Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department Head: Dr. Haitham El Kadiri
Major Advisor: Ms. Krystle D. Boyd
Office: 210 Carpenter Engineering Building
Mechanical Engineering is the application of science and mathematics to the design, development, and operation of mechanical and energy systems. Examples of these systems include mechanical devices ranging from simple linkages and gears to complex automated robots and energy systems ranging from basic water pumps to high-performance jet engines. Since the range of applications is so broad, virtually all industries employ Mechanical Engineers in various capacities. Some of the major areas of employment are the manufacturing, chemical, paper, aerospace, utility, construction, transportation, petroleum, electronics, and computer industries.
The mission of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is to educate students in fundamental engineering principles, thus enabling the understanding of existing and next generation technologies relevant to research and engineering practice. All graduates will receive a broad education that will enable them to be successful in industry or academia, the profession and the community.
To carry out this mission, the Mechanical Engineering faculty, with input from other constituencies, has established the following objectives that describe the expected accomplishments of graduates during the first few years following graduation:
- Apply fundamental engineering knowledge, industry perspective and research skills to become experts or leaders within a chosen engineering career path.
- Exhibit life-long learning and develop personal and teamwork skills in order to effectively solve real-life problems and clearly communicate their results.
- Practice ethical responsibility and accountability in professional activities and actively participate in professional development.
The Mechanical Engineering curriculum is designed to meet these objectives. The basic courses in mechanics, materials, thermodynamics, electrical engineering systems, and dynamics prepare the student for the comprehensive design courses in the senior year culminating in major design experiences in energy systems and in mechanical systems. Throughout the curriculum there is significant use of the computer to solve realistic engineering problems. All entering ME juniors are required to have a portable computer that they will use interactively in the classroom. The ME laboratory sequence stresses the planning, design, and operation of experiments. The curriculum also places a strong emphasis on technical communications. Senior technical electives allow the student to study particular areas of interest.
The B. S. program in Mechanical Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Mechanical and similarly named engineering programs.
General Education Requirements
English Composition | ||
EN 1103 | English Composition I | 3 |
or EN 1104 | Expanded English Composition I | |
EN 1113 | English Composition II | 3 |
or EN 1173 | Accelerated Composition II | |
Creative Discovery | ||
Select from General Education courses | 3 | |
Humanities | ||
Select from General Education courses | 6 | |
Social/Behavioral Sciences | ||
Select from General Education courses | 6 | |
Quantitative Reasoning | ||
MA 1713 | Calculus I | 3 |
MA 1723 | Calculus II | 3 |
Natural Sciences | ||
CH 1213 & CH 1211 | Chemistry I and Investigations in Chemistry I | 4 |
PH 2213 | Physics I | 3 |
PH 2223 | Physics II | 3 |
Additional Requirements | ||
MA 2733 | Calculus III 1 | 3 |
MA 2743 | Calculus IV 1 | 3 |
MA 3113 | Introduction to Linear Algebra 1 | 3 |
MA 3253 | Differential Equations I 1 | 3 |
CH 1223 | Chemistry II | 3 |
Major Core | ||
IE 3913 | Engineering Economy I | 3 |
EM 2413 | Engineering Mechanics I 1 | 3 |
EM 2433 | Engineering Mechanics II 1 | 3 |
EM 3313 | Fluid Mechanics 1 | 3 |
EM 3213 | Mechanics of Materials 1 | 3 |
ECE 3413 | Introduction to Electronic Circuits 1 | 3 |
ME 1111 | Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 1 | 1 |
ME 2133 | Modeling and Manufacturing 1 | 3 |
ME 3103 | Experimental Measurements and Techniques | 3 |
ME 3113 | Engineering Analysis 1 | 3 |
ME 3313 | Heat Transfer | 3 |
ME 3403 | Materials for Mechanical Engineering Design | 3 |
ME 3423 | Mechanics of Machinery | 3 |
ME 3513 | Thermodynamics I 1 | 3 |
ME 3523 | Thermodynamics II | 3 |
ME 3613 | System Dynamics | 3 |
ME 4111 | Professional Development Seminar | 1 |
ME 4301 | Thermo-Fluids Laboratory | 1 |
ME 4333 | Energy Systems Design | 3 |
ME 4401 | Solid Mechanics Laboratory | 1 |
ME 4403 | Machine Design | 3 |
ME 4433 | Capstone Design and Innovation | 3 |
ME 4643 | Introduction to Vibrations and Controls | 3 |
Technical Electives 2 | 9 | |
Oral Communication Requirement | ||
Satisfied by successful completion of ME 2133, ME 4433, and GE 3513 | ||
Writing Requirement | ||
GE 3513 | Technical Writing | 3 |
Computer Literacy | ||
CSE 1233 | Computer Programming with C (or equivalent programming course) 1 | 3 |
Total Hours | 128 |
- 1
A grade of C or better must be made in these courses.
- 2
A list of Mechanical Engineering technical electives is maintained by the Mechanical Engineering Department. Substitutions may be approved by writing the ME Dept.
ME 1111 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering: 1 hour.
(Prerequisite: ACT Math subscore 26, or grade of C or better in MA 1323). One hour lecture. Introduction to the mechanical engineering curriculum, the profession, and career opportunities. The role of the department, college, university; student roles and responsibilities. Introductory concepts
ME 2133 Modeling and Manufacturing: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ME 1111 and Sophomore standing). Two hours lecture. Three hours laboratory. Introduction to industry standard safety practices, measuring tools and applications, manufacturing and fabrication options, assembly best practices, as well as elementary drafting and design techniques using solid modeling software
ME 2990 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
ME 3103 Experimental Measurements and Techniques: 3 hours.
(Co-requisites: ME 3523 and GE 3513). Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Measurements: accuracy/usefulness; reporting; uncertainly analysis and design of experiments; data acquisition; measurement of length, area, volume, temperature, pressure, flow, strain, and force
ME 3113 Engineering Analysis: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MA 3113, MA 3253, PH 2213, and CSE 1233 or equivalent course). Three hours lecture. Analysis of engineering problems requiring the use of engineering fundamentals and mathematical techniques of analysis with computer applications
ME 3163 Introduction to Mechanical Design with Finite Element Analysis: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Instruction in stresses, strains, displacements, static failure with finite element analysis of major strength of materials problems
ME 3313 Heat Transfer: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites:Grade of C or better in EM 3313, MA 3253,and ME 3533 or ME 3513). Three hours lecture. A study of the fundamental principles of heat transfer; processes; steady and transient conduction in solids; thermal radiation; and convective processes
ME 3403 Materials for Mechanical Engineering Design: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CH 1223 and EM 2413, corequisite EM 3213 ). Three hours lecture. Behavior, testing and processing of engineering materials. Emphasis is placed on the inter- relation of design with processing and material selection
ME 3423 Mechanics of Machinery: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites:Grade of C or better in EM 2433 and ME 3113). Three hours lecture. Analysis of mechanisms for motions, velocities, accelerations and forces
ME 3513 Thermodynamics I: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CH 1213, CH 1211, MA 2733, and PH 2213). Three hours lecture. Definitions; properties of a pure substance; work and heat; First and Second Laws; entropy; ideal gases
ME 3523 Thermodynamics II: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ME 3513 and CH 1223). Three hours lecture. Mixtures of ideal gases; irreversibility and availability; vapor power cycles; gas power cycles; refrigeration and heat pump cycles; flow through nozzles and turbine blades, Psychrometry
ME 3613 System Dynamics: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in EM 2433, ME 3113, and EM 3313). Three hours lecture. Mathematical description of mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Transient and frequency response of linear systems
ME 4000 Directed Individual Study in Mechanical Engineering: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
ME 4111 Professional Development Seminar: 1 hour.
(Prerequisite: Senior standing or consent of instructor). One hour lecture. Preparation for career readiness including professional communication, career outcomes, professional/ethical responsibility, and the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
ME 4113 Material Selection in Design: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 3403 or equivalent). Three hours lecture. Principles of materials selection related to mechanical design requirements
ME 4123 Failure of Engineering Materials: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite:EM 3213 ) Three hours lecture. The failure of constituent materials using real -world case studies is the focus. Experimental and analytical techniques for failure analysis and prevention are covered.(Same as CE 4323/6323)
ME 4133 Mechanical Metallurgy: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite:ME 3403 or equivalent). Three hours lecture. The mechanical and metallurgical fundamentals of metals are discussed. Mechanical fundamentals cover the stress and strain relationships and metallurgical fundamentals cover the microstructure
ME 4193 Automotive Engineering: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Fundamentals of automotive engineering, including power units, mechanical systems, electrical system and industrial and systems engineering aspects. (Same as CHE/ECE/IE 4193/6193)
ME 4223 Mechanical Systems Analysis: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: EM 3413 or ME 3613 and senior standing). Three hours lecture. Fourier methods, shock spectra, signature analysis, relation to specific phenomena and malfunctions; acoustical aids; field measurement analysis; random functions, correlations; mobility and impedance methods
ME 4233 Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. This course focuses on the implementation of the finite element (FE) method with commercially-available FE software and the basic mathematical theory of finite element analysis. Topics include mechanical response with a survey of thermal analysis and advanced topics (e.g., nonlinear problems and dynamic loading)
ME 4301 Thermo-Fluids Laboratory: 1 hour.
(Prerequisites: ME 3103, ME 3313, ME 3523, Grade of C or better in EM 3313, and a technical junior-level writing course). Two hours laboratory. Selection, use of pressure, temperatures, fluid flow, heat transfer instrumentation. Experiments with fluid flow, thermodynamic systems, heat transfer. Statistical design of experiments
ME 4333 Energy Systems Design: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3313 and ME 3113). Three hours lecture. Comprehensive design problems requiring engineering decisions, data acquisition, codes/standards compliance. Emphasis upon energy systems components: heat exchangers, piping networks, pumps. Fluid transients, system modeling
ME 4343 Intermediate Heat Transfer: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 3313). Three hours lecture. Condensation and boiling, analytical and numerical techniques for conduction and convection, gray-body and spectral-dependent radiation, transient and steady-state thermal modeling
ME 4353 Alternate Energy Sources: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 3313). Three hours lecture. Analysis and design of systems using energy derived from solar, hydro, geothermal, wind, ocean, waste, and biomass sources
ME 4373 Air Conditioning: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3523 and ME 3313). Three hours lecture. Psychometrics; comfort conditions; determination of heat losses and gains; determination of sizes of elements; energy usage estimating; residential and commercial systems
ME 4393 Power Generation Systems: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3313 and ME 3523). Three hours lecture. Evaluation and optimization of power generation systems with emphasis on optimization methods, system simulation, and economics. Energetic, economic, and environmental issues as well as exergy analysis may be incorporated in this course
ME 4401 Solid Mechanics Laboratory: 1 hour.
(Prerequisites: ME 3103, ME 3403, Grade of C or better in EM 3213 and EM 2433, and a technical junior-level writing course). Two hours laboratory. Selection and use of strain gages, dimensional measurements, load cells, accelerometers; hands-on experiments with quasi-static and dynamic-impact testing, spring constants and vibrations
ME 4403 Machine Design: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in EM 3213, ME 2133, and ME 3423; Co-requisite ME 3403). Three hours lecture. Applied stress analysis and material strength theories for sizing and selecting materials of machine elements. Selection of gears, cams, belts, springs. Design projects
ME 4413 Casting and Joining: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 3403 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Fundamentals of solidification in casting and joining processes, including design applications
ME 4423 Machining and Forming: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 3403 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Fundamentals of mechanical processing of joining processes, including design applications. metals, including bulk and sheet forming techniques
ME 4433 Capstone Design and Innovation: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3423 and ME 4403). Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Semester capstone design experience simulating professional mechanical engineering practice. Emphasis is on the application of engineering fundamentals to a comprehensive design project utilizing computer-aided design and analysis tools
ME 4443 Mechanical Systems Design: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3423 and ME 4403). Three hours lecture. Mechanical design projects involving analysis; industrial standards and considerations for safety and manufacturability; the use of computers in design and manufacturing automation (CAD/CAM)
ME 4453 Lubrication: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Senior standing). Three hours lecture. Friction of solids and fluids. Lubricants. Theory of sliding bearings. Multi-dimensional bearings with constant forces and velocities. Film, hydrodynamic, and gas lubrication. Design of bearings
ME 4463 Engineering Design: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3613 and Senior standing). Three hours lecture. In-depth topics in mechanical design. Design of friction devices, hydrodynamic drives, and shells of revolution. Design for thermal creep, thermal stresses, surface contact, and impact
ME 4543 Combustion Engines: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3523 and ME 3313). Three hours lecture. Application of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and combustion in the determination of performance characteristics of various engines, e.g., internal combustion, jet, and rocket engines
ME 4623 Control Systems: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3613 and ECE 3283). Three hours lecture. Principles of closed loop mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and thermodynamic systems. Design of control systems
ME 4624 Experimental Methods in Materials Research: 4 hours.
(Prerequisites:CHE 3413 or ABE 3813 or ME 3403 or permission of instructors). Three hours lecture. Three hours laboratory . An introduction to research methodologies commonly used in the evaluation of treatments , and mechanical testing. (Same as ABE 4624/6624 and CHE 4624/6624)
ME 4643 Introduction to Vibrations and Controls: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 3613). Three hours lecture. Review of Laplace Transforms. Introduction to vibrations, Fourier analysis, linearization, system modeling and feedback controls
ME 4743 Labview: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite:ME 3701 or equivalent Labview enperience). Two hours lecture. Three hours laboratory. Labview programming for applications in laboratory data acquisition (DQA). Basic and intermediate graphical programming theory with emphasis on transducer measurements and triggering
ME 4800 Undergraduate Research: 13 hours.
The purpose of this course is to provide a student with the opportunity to participate in research and/or creative project beyond the traditional undergraduate experience, while allowing the university to track undergraduate participation in these activities. Hours, credits and deliverables to be arranged
ME 4823 Compressible Flow and Turbomachinery: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: EM 3313 and ME 3523). Three hours lecture. Fundamental principles, shock and expansion waves, generalized one-dimensional flows, simple processes, energy transfer in turbomachines, turbomachine efficiencies, multi-dimensional effects
ME 4833 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: EM 3313). Three hours lecture. Differential equations of fluid mechanics, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, boundary-layer theory, laminar and turbulent solutions, compressible flow with applications
ME 4990 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
ME 6113 Material Selection in Design: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 3403 or equivalent). Three hours lecture. Principles of materials selection related to mechanical design requirements
ME 6123 Failure of Engineering Materials: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite:EM 3213 ) Three hours lecture. The failure of constituent materials using real -world case studies is the focus. Experimental and analytical techniques for failure analysis and prevention are covered.(Same as CE 4323/6323)
ME 6133 Mechanical Metallurgy: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite:ME 3403 or equivalent). Three hours lecture. The mechanical and metallurgical fundamentals of metals are discussed. Mechanical fundamentals cover the stress and strain relationships and metallurgical fundamentals cover the microstructure
ME 6193 Automotive Engineering: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Fundamentals of automotive engineering, including power units, mechanical systems, electrical system and industrial and systems engineering aspects. (Same as CHE/ECE/IE 4193/6193)
ME 6223 Mechanical Systems Analysis: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: EM 3413 or ME 3613 and senior standing). Three hours lecture. Fourier methods, shock spectra, signature analysis, relation to specific phenomena and malfunctions; acoustical aids; field measurement analysis; random functions, correlations; mobility and impedance methods
ME 6233 Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. This course focuses on the implementation of the finite element (FE) method with commercially-available FE software and the basic mathematical theory of finite element analysis. Topics include mechanical response with a survey of thermal analysis and advanced topics (e.g., nonlinear problems and dynamic loading)
ME 6333 Energy Systems Design: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3313 and ME 3113). Three hours lecture. Comprehensive design problems requiring engineering decisions, data acquisition, codes/standards compliance. Emphasis upon energy systems components: heat exchangers, piping networks, pumps. Fluid transients, system modeling
ME 6343 Intermediate Heat Transfer: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 3313). Three hours lecture. Condensation and boiling, analytical and numerical techniques for conduction and convection, gray-body and spectral-dependent radiation, transient and steady-state thermal modeling
ME 6353 Alternate Energy Sources: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 3313). Three hours lecture. Analysis and design of systems using energy derived from solar, hydro, geothermal, wind, ocean, waste, and biomass sources
ME 6373 Air Conditioning: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3523 and ME 3313). Three hours lecture. Psychometrics; comfort conditions; determination of heat losses and gains; determination of sizes of elements; energy usage estimating; residential and commercial systems
ME 6393 Power Generation Systems: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3313 and ME 3523). Three hours lecture. Evaluation and optimization of power generation systems with emphasis on optimization methods, system simulation, and economics. Energetic, economic, and environmental issues as well as exergy analysis may be incorporated in this course
ME 6413 Casting and Joining: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 3403 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Fundamentals of solidification in casting and joining processes, including design applications
ME 6423 Machining and Forming: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 3403 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Fundamentals of mechanical processing of joining processes, including design applications. metals, including bulk and sheet forming techniques
ME 6443 Mechanical Systems Design: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3423 and ME 4403). Three hours lecture. Mechanical design projects involving analysis; industrial standards and considerations for safety and manufacturability; the use of computers in design and manufacturing automation (CAD/CAM)
ME 6453 Lubrication: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Senior standing). Three hours lecture. Friction of solids and fluids. Lubricants. Theory of sliding bearings. Multi-dimensional bearings with constant forces and velocities. Film, hydrodynamic, and gas lubrication. Design of bearings
ME 6463 Engineering Design: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3613 and Senior standing). Three hours lecture. In-depth topics in mechanical design. Design of friction devices, hydrodynamic drives, and shells of revolution. Design for thermal creep, thermal stresses, surface contact, and impact
ME 6543 Combustion Engines: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3523 and ME 3313). Three hours lecture. Application of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and combustion in the determination of performance characteristics of various engines, e.g., internal combustion, jet, and rocket engines
ME 6623 Control Systems: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 3613 and ECE 3283). Three hours lecture. Principles of closed loop mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and thermodynamic systems. Design of control systems
ME 6624 Experimental Methods in Materials Research: 4 hours.
(Prerequisites:CHE 3413 or ABE 3813 or ME 3403 or permission of instructors). Three hours lecture. Three hours laboratory . An introduction to research methodologies commonly used in the evaluation of treatments , and mechanical testing. (Same as ABE 4624/6624 and CHE 4624/6624)
ME 6643 Introduction to Vibrations and Controls: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 3613). Three hours lecture. Review of Laplace Transforms. Introduction to vibrations, Fourier analysis, linearization, system modeling and feedback controls
ME 6743 Labview: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite:ME 3701 or equivalent Labview enperience). Two hours lecture. Three hours laboratory. Labview programming for applications in laboratory data acquisition (DQA). Basic and intermediate graphical programming theory with emphasis on transducer measurements and triggering
ME 6823 Compressible Flow and Turbomachinery: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: EM 3313 and ME 3523). Three hours lecture. Fundamental principles, shock and expansion waves, generalized one-dimensional flows, simple processes, energy transfer in turbomachines, turbomachine efficiencies, multi-dimensional effects
ME 6833 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: EM 3313). Three hours lecture. Differential equations of fluid mechanics, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, boundary-layer theory, laminar and turbulent solutions, compressible flow with applications
ME 6990 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
ME 7000 Directed Individual Study in Mechanical Engineering: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
ME 8011 Graduate Seminar: 1 hour.
Presentation and discussion of research and current mechanical engineering literature by students, faculty, and visiting lecturers. Attendance required for students in Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program
ME 8144 Transmission Electro Microscopy: 4 hours.
(Prerequisite:Consent of Instructor). One hour lecture. Six hours laboratory. Introduction to TEM including life sciences (tissue) and engineering (crystalline materials) topics. (Same as EPP 8144)
ME 8213 Engineering Analysis: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. The formulation of mathematical methods of advanced engineering problems and the use of mathematical techniques for their solution: equilibrium, eigenvalue, and propagation problems
ME 8223 Inelasticity: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite:EM 8113 and EM 8203 ) Three hours lecture. This course covers plasticity, creep, viscoelasticity, and inelastic behavior in relation to microstructure-property relations, constitutive modeling at different length scales, and computational simulations.(Same as CE 8323)
ME 8243 Finite Elements in Mechanical Engineering: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ME 4403 and EM 3213). Three hours lecture. Concepts and applications of finite element analysis in mechanical engineering problems
ME 8253 Fatigue in Engineering Design: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Prediction and prevention of fatigue failure in metallic materials
ME 8313 Conductive Heat Transfer: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Closed form analytical and approximate numerical solutions to one, two, and three dimensional steady-state and transient problems in conduction heat transfer
ME 8333 Convective Heat Transfer: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Analytical and empirical methods of solution of problems in laminar and turbulent, natural and forced convective heat transfer. Stability; thermal boundary layer techniques; multiphase systems
ME 8353 Advanced Energy Conversion: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Mechanical Engineering or consent of instructor).Three hours lecture. Physical process in advanced energy conversion technologies, with practical application to devices/energy cycles. Emphasis on fuel cells, photovoltaics, and related materials engineering issues
ME 8373 Integrated Computational Materials Engineering: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: EM 3213 and ME 3403). Three hours lecture. Survey course of various length scale computational analysis related to materials modeling. Emphasis upon projects and exercises
ME 8513 Classical Thermodynamics: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Postulational treatment of the physical laws of equilibrium, thermostatics. Equations of state, processes, equilibrium stability, reactive systems, phase transitions
ME 8613 Dynamical Systems: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Mathematical description and simulation of systems with mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic components; state variables; bondgraphs; stability; observability and controllability
ME 8733 Experimental Procedures: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Design of experiments; instrumentation; data acquisition; and correlation and evaluation of results
ME 8813 Viscous Flow I: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Fundamental laws of motion for a viscous fluid; classical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations; inviscid flow solutions; laminar boundary layers; stability criteria
ME 8823 Viscous Flow II: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ME 8813 or equivalent). Three hours lecture. Numerical solution techniques for viscous flow equations. Turbulence and turbulence modeling. Current literature and topics
ME 8843 Unstructured Grid Technology: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ASE 8413, proficiency in computer programming, and consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Unstructured grid generation based on Delaunay, Advancing-Front, Iterative Point Placement, and Local- Reconnection techniques. Implementation of unstructured Finite-Element/Volume methods for engineering applications
ME 8990 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
ME 9000 Research in Mechanical Engineering: 1-13 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged