2024-25 Academic Catalog

Graduate Council

The Graduate Council is the executive committee of the Graduate Faculty and is responsible for the formulation of academic policy and programs related to graduate study at Mississippi State University. In addition, the Council may advise the Dean of the Graduate School on any matter they, or the Dean, feel is appropriate. The Chairperson of the Graduate Council is elected by and from the members of the Council. 

The Council consists of one elected member from each of the eight academic colleges offering graduate study (programs), a graduate student association representative, and one fewer in number (seven) appointed by the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, of which at least one must represent interdisciplinary programs. Not more than two appointed faculty members may be from the same college or school. To be eligible for membership on the Council, members must hold Graduate Faculty status. The term of office is three academic years. A vacancy on the Council is filled in the same manner in which the member vacating the position was selected. In addition to the faculty, the Council has one graduate student representative who is usually the president of the Graduate Student Association. S/he is a voting member, and the term of office is one academic year.

Ex-officio members include:

  • Dean of the Graduate School;
  • Associate Dean of the Graduate School;
  • Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs;
  • Executive Vice Provost;
  • Vice President for Research and Economic Development;
  • Dean of University Libraries;
  • Executive Director of Center for Distance Education;
  • Director of International Institute;
  • Chair of University Committee on Courses and Curricula;
  • Associate University Registrar; and
  • Director of Academic Quality, Institutional Effectiveness


Rebecca Robichaux-Davis, Ph.D., Chair
Professor, Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education
College of Education 

Russell Carr, Ph.D., Vice-Chair
Associate Professor, Basic Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine

Ex-Officio Members

Peter L. Ryan, Ph.D.
Executive Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School

W. Brien Henry, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of the Graduate School

David R. Shaw, Ph.D.
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dan Reynolds, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President/Executive Director, International Institute

Lis Pankl, Ph.D.
Dean of University Libraries

Susan Seal, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Professional and Continuing Studies

Lauren Wright
Director of the International Institute

Andy Perkins, Ph.D.
Chair, University Committee on Courses and Curricula

Emily Shaw, M.S.
Associate Registrar

Dana Franz, Ph.D.
Director of Academic Quality, Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness

Elected Members

Richard Harkess, Ph.D., 2026
Professor, Plant and Soil Sciences
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Glen Fulton, M.S., 2026
Assistant Professor, Interior Design
College of Architecture, Art, and Design

Joanne Beriswill, Ph.D., 2026
Associate Professor, Instructional Systems and Workforce Development
College of Education

Kevin Armstrong, Ph.D., 2025
Associate Professor, Psychology
College of Arts and Sciences

Heidi Renninger, Ph.D., 2025
Associate Professor, Forestry
College of Forest Resources

Priscilla Hill, Ph.D., 2024
Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
Bagley College of Engineering

Russell Carr, Ph.D., 2024, Vice-Chair
Associate Professor, Basic Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine

Mike Highfield, Ph.D., 2025
Professor, Real Estate Finance
College of Business

Appointed Members

Larry Hanson, Ph.D., 2024
Professor, Basic Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine

Luke Tucker, 2024
Graduate Student Association President

Adrian Sescu, Ph.D., 2024
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Bagley College of Engineering

Sandra Orozco Aleman, Ph.D., 2023
Associate Professor, Finance and Economics
College of Business

Nick Fitzkee, Ph.D., 2025
Associate Professor, Chemistry
College of Arts and Sciences

Kevin Hunt, Ph.D., 2025
Professor, Wildlife, Fisheries, & Aquaculture
College of Forest Resources

Kelly Wamsley, Ph.D., 2025
Associate Professor, Poultry Science
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Rebecca Robichaux-Davis, Chair, Ph.D., 2025
Professor, Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education
College of Education