2024-25 Academic Catalog


Department Head: Dr. Daniel B. Stevens
Department of Music, Office 1020
Telephone: (662) 325-3070
Fax: (662) 325-0250

Mailing Address:
Department of Music
PO Box 6240
Mississippi State, MS 39762

University Bands
Ms. Elva Kaye Lance, Director of Bands
Telephone: (662) 325-2713

University Choirs
Dr. Phillip Stockton, Interim Director of Choral Activities
Telephone: (662) 325-7801

University Philharmonia Orchestra
Dr. Courtney Grant, Coordinator
Telephone: (662) 325-3070

The mission of the Department of Music at Mississippi State University is to contribute to the development of broadly acculturated citizens in our state and region through enhanced musical understanding and enriching musical experiences, providing access and opportunity to our diverse population through programs of teaching, research, and service. 

About the Department
In the Fall of 2022 the department moved into a $21 million state-of-the-art facility. The 37,000 square foot facility at 124 Hardy Road includes classrooms, a choral rehearsal hall, faculty offices, sound-proof practice rooms, recording studio, lecture/recital hall, student lounge, and administrative suite to complement the Famous Maroon Band facilities. The Department of Music is part of the College of Education and is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music.

Bachelor of Music Education
The Bachelor of Music Education is a 124-126 hour professional degree program (depending on concentration) that leads to licensure to teach music in the State of Mississippi.  The Department of Music offers four concentrations of the BME:  Guitar, Instrumental, Keyboard and Vocal. 

The Instrumental concentration qualifies the student for a Music Instrumental (K-12) teaching license.  The Vocal, Keyboard, and Guitar concentrations qualifies the student for a Music Choral (K-12) teaching license.

The Vocal concentration qualifies the student for a K-12 Choral Music teaching license, allowing graduates to teach General, Instrumental, and Choral music in all grades in the state of Mississippi.

Bachelor of Music Performance
The Bachelor of Music Performance is a 120-hour professional degree program that prepares students to work independently towards performance at the highest possible level; possess knowledge of applicable solo and ensemble literature; and to gain experience with the fundamentals of music pedagogy. the Department of Music offers four concentrations of the Bachelor of Music Performance; Guitar, Instrumental, Keyboard, and Vocal.

Bachelor of Arts in Music
The Department of Music offers a Bachelor of Arts in Music degree in a liberal arts tradition of music study. This degree is designed to provide foundation coursework to apply to a variety of interdisciplinary careers including music, in preparation for graduate study, or for self-improvement.

For suggested course sequence for all degrees and concentrations, visit the Department of Music website: http://www.music.msstate.edu/academics/

Students are required to earn a "C" or better in all required (non-elective) Applied Music (MUA), Music (MU), and Music Education (MUE) courses.

All potential music majors and minors are required to audition for appropriate faculty in order to determine their preparedness to enter the program, participate in ensembles, and determine eligibility for a scholarship or service award.

Although alternate dates are available, the preferred audition date for music majors and minors in all areas is the third Saturday in February. Other audition dates are available by contacting the applied faculty of your area of concentration, the department office (662) 325-3070, or the major ensemble offices.(Choir (662) 325-3490; Band (662) 325-2713; Orchestra (662) 325-3070)

Transfer Information
After successful admission to the University, and in addition to the music major audition, transfer students are required to complete a music theory and aural skills entrance exam to determine preparedness for upper division study.  For more information see the Department of Music website at http://www.music.msstate.edu/students/transfers/ or call 662-325-3070.

Music Minor
The Department of Music offers MSU students the opportunity to complete a Minor in Music. The Music Minor is a comprehensive set of courses designed to increase student musicianship and knowledge. Students must audition/ interview and be accepted as a music minor before the minor may be declared. Acceptance in any given studio area is on a space available basis. The requirements for the music minor cannot be completed after graduating from MSU.

There are two tracks in the Minor of Music:

1. A general Minor in Music that offers the first two semesters of the Major in Music: Music Theory, Ear Training, Piano, Applied Study, Ensembles and a Fine Arts Music Topics course.

2. A Minor in Music and Culture which is intended for students with an interest in non-Western music, especially the music of Africa and the African Diaspora. This minor features an interdisciplinary approach to exploring music and supports MSU's vision of diversity and global involvement

For information and required courses, visit the Department of Music website: http://www.music.msstate.edu/academics/minorinmusic/

BA in Music

General Education Requirements

English Composition
EN 1103English Composition I3
or EN 1104 Expanded English Composition I
EN 1113English Composition II3
or EN 1173 Accelerated Composition II
Creative Discovery
MU 3013Survey of Western Music History I3
History Elective - A&S core3
Literature Elective - A&S core3
Social/Behavioral Science
See A&S core6
Quantitative Reasoning
MA 1213Math in Your World 53
Natural Sciences
Biological Sciences w/lab 13-4
Physical Sciences w/lab 13-4
Natural Science Elective 23-4

College Requirements & Major Core

Additional College Requirements
Foreign Languages
Foreign Language I3
Foreign Language II3
Foreign Language III3
Additional Humanities
Philosophy Elective - see A&S core3
Humanities Electives - Must be from 2 areas - EN, HI, PHI or REL6
Met in Major Core3
Additional Social Sciences
See A&S electives9
Met in Major Core3
Oral Communication Requirement
CO 1003Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
Major Core
MU 1101Communicating About Music1
MU 1213Music Theory I3
MU 1321Ear Training I1
MU 1413Music Theory II3
MU 1521Ear Training II1
MU 2012World Music2
MU 2613Music Theory III3
MU 2721Ear Training III1
MU 2813Music Theory IV3
MU 2921Ear Training IV1
MU 3023Survey of Western Music History II3
MU 3412Conducting2
MU 2111
MU 2121
MU 3111
MU 3121
Group Piano I
and Group Piano 2
and Group Piano 3
and Group Piano 4
or MU 3112
MU 3122
Functional Skills for Piano Majors 1
and Functional Skills for Piano Majors 2
Writing Requirement
EDF 3413Writing for Thinking (See advisor for other approved courses.) 33
Applied Study
6 semesters of study at 2 hours per semester:
2 semesters of 1000-level courses
2 semesters of 2000-level courses
2 semesters of 3000-level courses must be completed on the same instrument
At least 1 semester of 2000-level and 2 semesters of 3000-level work must be completed at MSU.
4 semesters of ensembles must be completed at MSU, two of which must be the designated major ensembles.
Other Requirements
Piano Proficiency Exam
Upper Division Proficiency Exam
MU 1010Recital Hour (must be enrolled 8 semesters)0
Recital or Project
Music Electives
Music Electives6-9
Met in College Core6
Total Hours 4122

See A&S Core.


Any Natural Science from the Arts and Sciences core can apply. Consult advisor.


Any Arts and Sciences approved writing course can apply. Consult advisor.


At least 31 hours of upper division (3000 level or higher) hours are required.


Any course covered in the A&S core would count for these three hours if a student enters MSU with credit already.

Minor in Music and Culture

The minor in Music and Culture is intended for students with an interest in non-Western music, especially the music of Africa and the African Diaspora. The program offers students from any major, the opportunity to study the ways in which human cultural diversity is represented through music. The minor features an interdisciplinary approach to exploring music and supports MSU's vision of diversity and global involvement. The minor is distinct from other existing degrees in that it offers an anthropological approach that does not rely heavily on music performance skills. 

Required Courses6
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
World Music
Contemporary Dance
Choose at least two Non-Western Music and Culture electives
African American Music
Music of Africa
Music of Latin America
Native American Music
Choose up to two Western Music and Culture electives
History and Appreciation of American Music
The History of Rock and Roll
The History of Jazz
Introduction to Music in Film
Total Hours18

General Minor in Music

The General Minor in Music is a comprehensive set of courses designed to increase student musicianship and knowledge.   Students must audition and be accepted as a music minor before it can be declared. Acceptance in any given studio area is on a space available basis. The requirements for the music minor can not be completed after graduating from MSU.

Music History2-3
Choose from the following:
African American Music
History and Appreciation of Music
History and Appreciation of American Music
The History of Rock and Roll
The History of Jazz
Music of Africa
Introduction to Music in Film
Music of the Beatles
World Music
Music of Latin America
Women in Music
Survey of Western Music History I
Music Theory and Aural Skills
MU 1213Music Theory I3
MU 1321Ear Training I1
MU 1413Music Theory II3
MU 1521Ear Training II1
Class Piano
MU 2111
MU 2121
Group Piano I
and Group Piano 2
or MU 3112 Functional Skills for Piano Majors 1
Applied Study4
Two semesters of study (2 credit hours each semester); must be completed on the same instrument
Two semesters of major or minor ensembles
Recital Hour
MU 1010Recital Hour (must be taken for 2 semesters)1
Total Hours18-19

To earn a Minor in Music from Mississippi State University, all of the coursework listed above must be completed at Mississippi State University, Starkville Campus, with a grade of C or better. The requirements for any music minor cannot be completed after graduating from MSU. 


MU 1001 First Year Seminar: 1 hour.

One hour lecture. First-year seminars explore a diverse arrary of topics that provide students with an opportunity to learn about a specific discipline from skilled faculty members

MU 1003 Fundamentals of Music Theory: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. Development of skills for music reading, writing, listening and analyzing. Topics will include pitch, rhythm, meter, scales and basic harmony

MU 1010 Recital Hour: 1 hour.

Minimum one (1) hour weekly. Performance and critique experiences in applied music. Required for music (BA) and music education (BME) majors. May be repeated for credit

MU 1101 Communicating About Music: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: Music major, C or better in MU 1213 and EN 1103). One hour lecture. Development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills for effective communication in music contexts

MU 1103 African American Music: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. A study of African musical and cultural traditions with focus on the impact of these traditions on the development and advancement of African American Music. (Same as AAS 1103)

MU 1111 Piano Class: 1 hour.

Two hours laboratory. Beginning piano for non-music majors

MU 1113 History and Appreciation of Music: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. Historical development of music and the composers of the different eras; individual investigation of related special topics; individual and directed listening to music examples

MU 1123 History and Appreciation of American Music: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. Historical development of music and composers of the United States; individual investigation of related American music special topics; individual and directed listening to musical examples

MU 1133 The History of Rock and Roll: 3 hours.

Three-hour lecture. History of the development of Rock and Roll from the early 1950’s to the present, including early Rock and Roll, the British invasion, and 21st century current trends; the course examines the symbiotic relationship between music and society

MU 1143 The History of Jazz: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. History of Jazz musical genres. Follows the timeline of Jazz from its multi-cultural origins to its emergence as a uniquely American musical form. Describes the development of different periods of Jazz history, representative personalities and the role of Jazz in society and culture

MU 1153 Music of Africa: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. An introduction to the diverse musical traditions of Africa. The course includes the study of the relationship between music and history by addressing issues of geography, colonialism, globalization, gender, politics and religion

MU 1163 Introduction to Music in Film: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. A survey of music in motion picture media, the roles it has played from the silent to contemporary eras, and the cultures and people that produced it

MU 1173 Music of the Beatles: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: EN 1103 or EN 1163). Three credit hours. A survey of the music of the Beatles focused on its structure, lyrics, social influence, and cultural significance, with emphasis on writing skill development

MU 1213 Music Theory I: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Music or Music Education major or permission of the instructor). Three hours lecture. Fundamental concepts of notation of key signatures, intervals, scales, chords, and clefs. Principles of Common-Practice Period Functional Harmony. Co-requisite: MU 1321 or permission of instructor

MU 1242 Diction I: 2 hours.

(Prerequisites: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, or permission of instructor). Two hours lecture. Introduces students to the sounds of English, Italian, and Latin using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Correct singing pronunciation of these languages in classical vocal works will be the focus of the course

MU 1252 Diction II: 2 hours.

(Prerequisites: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, or permission of instructor). Two hours lecture. Introduces students to the sounds of German and French using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Correct singing pronunciation of these languages in classical vocal works will be the focus of the course

MU 1321 Ear Training I: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: Music or Music Education major or permission of the instructor). Two hours laboratory. Aural identification, singing and dictation of major and minor scales, diatonic melodies, isolated harmonies, simple intervals and rhythms. Co-requisite: MU 1213 or permission of instructor

MU 1401 Recreational Interactive Drumming: 1 hour.

One hour lecture. Students will play percussion instruments and experience rhythm, groove, ensemble, creativity, and improvisation. Recreational interactive drumming celebrates diversity as everyone who participates has something to offer the circle

MU 1411 Group Piano for Non-Major 1: 1 hour.

One hour lecture. Beginner piano. Course material develops piano skills, sight reading, technical skills, improvisation, repertoire pieces, pop songs and ensemble playing

MU 1413 Music Theory II: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: C or better in MU 1213, Music or Music Education Major or permission of the instructor). Three hours lecture. Further elements of harmony, including seventh-chords, non-chord tones, chromatic vocabulary. Small forms. Co-requisite: MU 1521 or permission of instructor

MU 1421 Group Piano for Non-Majors 2: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite MU 1411 or permission of instructor). One hour lecture. Intermediate piano. Course material develops intermediate piano skills, sight reading, technical skills, improvisation, repertoire pieces, pop songs and ensemble playing

MU 1521 Ear Training II: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: C or better in MU 1321, Music or Music Education major or permission of the instructor). Two hours laboratory. Aural identification, singing and dictation of diatonic melodies, triads, simple intervals and rhythms. Co-requisite: MU 1413 or permission of instructor

MU 1553 Computer Skills for Musicians: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only). Three hours lecture. Survey course focused on basic computer literacy for musicians, including an introduction to software for notation, creation, editing, and publishing of music, and development of skills needed for the creation of a professional web presence

MU 2011 Third Year Woodwind Ensembles: 1 hour.

(Audition Required). One to five rehearsals per week. The study and performance of significant woodwind literature. May be repeated for credit

MU 2012 World Music: 2 hours.

Two hours lecture. A survey of the non-Western musics and music cultures of the world. The course will serve as an introduction to the discipline of ethnomusicology, the study of music in the context of culture

MU 2023 Music of Latin America: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. An introduction to the diverse musical traditions of Latin America. The course includes the study of the relationship between music and history by addressing issues of geography, colonialism, globalization, gender, politics and religion

MU 2111 Group Piano I: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: BMP, BME, or BA Music Major, or permission of instructor). Two hours studio. Beginner piano. Course material develops functional piano skills (e.g., sight reading, technical exercises, chord progressions, improvisation, repertoire pieces, ensemble playing)

MU 2121 Group Piano 2: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: BMP, BME, or BA Music Major, or permission of instructor, Grade of C or better in MU 2111). Two hours studio. Course material develops functional piano skills (e.g., sight reading, technical exercises, chord progressions, improvisation, repertoire pieces, ensemble playing)

MU 2142 Song Literature: 2 hours.

(Prerequisites: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, or permission of instructor). Two hours lecture. An overview of song literature covering many musical periods and languages including: German Lieder, French melodies, American and British art songs, and Italian songs

MU 2152 Vocal Pedagogy: 2 hours.

(Prerequisites: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, or permission of instructor). Two hours lecture. Comprehensive overview of the anatomy and physiology of the human voice, vocal health, and pedagogical ethics. Contains a practicum as students teach voice lessons and receive feedback

MU 2173 Women in Music: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites EN 1103 or EN 1163). Three hours lecture. Survey of music from the middle ages to present focusing on music commissioned, written, or performed by women and the evolution of the rights of women as pertains to the music industry with an emphasis on writing skill development

MU 2183 Survey of Country Music: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: EN 1103 or EN 1163). Three hours lecture. A survey of country music beginning with the 20th century to current music. Course will also explore country music’s impact on society and culture in the United States

MU 2281 Guitar Chamber Music: 1 hour.

(Prerequisites: Passed audition, or permission of instructor). Two hours studio. The study and performance of chamber and concert music for the guitar

MU 2411 Guitar Ensemble: 1 hour.

(Audition required) One to five rehearsals per week. The study and performance of guitar ensemble literature. May be repeated for credit

MU 2511 Marching Band: 1 hour.

(Audition Required). One to five rehearsals per week. The study and performance of significant marching band literature. May be repeated for credit. (Fall semester only)

MU 2521 Steel Drum Ensemble: 1 hour.

One hour lecture. Exploration of performance techniques, repertoire, and cultural history of Trinidadian steel drums. No audition required. May be repeated for credit

MU 2531 Concert Band: 1 hour.

(Audition required). One to five rehearsals per week. The study and performance of significant concert band literature. May be repeated for credit. (Spring semester only)

MU 2551 Percussion Ensemble: 1 hour.

(Audition required). One to five rehearsals per week. The study and performance of significant percussion literature. May be repeated for credit

MU 2561 Symphonic Band: 1 hour.

(Audition required). One to five rehearsals per week. The study and performance of significant symphonic band literature. May be repeated for credit. (Spring semester only)

MU 2571 Wind Ensemble: 1 hour.

(Audition required). One to five rehearsals per week. Study, rehearsal and performance of select literature from the wind band repertory. May be repeated for credit

MU 2573 Microphone Techniques: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: MU 1553; or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. Fundamentals of the physics of sound, analog to digital transduction, microphone design and types, stereo imaging, immersive environments, and hands-on experience with recording all instrument families using a comprehensive collection of microphones

MU 2611 Concert Choir: 1 hour.

(Audition required). One to five rehearsals per week. The study and performance of significant choral literature. May be repeated for credit

MU 2613 Music Theory III: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: C or better in MU 1413).Three hours lecture. Chromatic vocabulary, including augmented sixth chords, Neapolitans and modulation, Late Romantic and early 20th Century innovations such as extended tertian chords and substitution chords. Co-requisite: MU 2721 or consent of instructor

MU 2631 Starkville Community Choir: 1 hour.

(Audution required). One to five rehearsals per week. The study and performance of significant choral literature. May be repeated for credit

MU 2661 String Chamber Music: 1 hour.

(Pre-requisite: audition or permission of instructor.) One hour lecture. Study, rehearsal and performance of select repertoire of string chamber music. Emphasis on development of basic musicianship in a small ensemble setting through technical exercises and literature. Students will receive 60 minutes of instruction per credit hour

MU 2681 Opera Workshop: 1 hour.

One hour lecture. Course acquaints the voice student with the basics of stagecraft, movement, and acting skills. Course provides the student with the opportunity to study, develop, and improve their dramatic skills outside of the voice studio. May be repeated for credit

MU 2721 Ear Training III: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: C or better in MU 1521) Two hours laboratory. Aural identification, singing and dictation of diatonic melodies with chromatic inflection, seventh chords and rhythms. Co-requisite: MU 2613 or consent of instructor

MU 2731 Cantare: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: Audition Required or Permission of Instructor). Two hours studio. The study, rehearsal and performance of a variety of SATB choral music of many styles, contexts and cultures. May be repeated for credit

MU 2741 OPUS: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: Audition Required or Permission of Instructor). Two hours studio. The study and performance of a variety of Tenor/Bass choral music of many styles, contexts and cultures. May be repeated for credit more than once

MU 2751 Schola Cantorum: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: Audition Required or Permission of Instructor). Two hours studio. The study and performance of a variety of SSAA (treble) choral music of many styles, contexts and cultures. May be repeated for credit more than once

MU 2813 Music Theory IV: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: C or higher in MU 2613 and MU 2721, or equivalents; Co-requisite MU 2921 unless already passed with C or better.) Three hours lecture. Advanced harmony and musical structure; mastery developed through readings, exercises, examinations, and creative projects

MU 2851 Brass Ensembles: 1 hour.

(Audition required). One to five rehearsals per week. The study and performance of significant brass literature. May be repeated for credit

MU 2881 Trombone Troupe: 1 hour.

One hour studio. The study and performance of chamber and concert music for the trombone ensemble. (Repeatable ten times)

MU 2911 Jazz Ensemble: 1 hour.

(Audition required). One to five rehearsals per week. The study and performance of significant jazz ensemble literature. May be repeated for credit

MU 2921 Ear Training IV: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: C or better in MU 2721; co-requisite: MU 2831 or consent of instructor). Two hours laboratory. Aural identification, singing and dictation of modes, artificial scales, non-triadic chords, modulating melodies , compound intervals

MU 2951 Philharmonia: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: audition required.) Two rehearsals per week. Study, rehearsal and performance of orchestral repertory with a focus on literature for chamber orchestra. May be repeated for credit

MU 2981 Symphony Orchestra: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: audition or permission of instructor). Two hours studio. Study, rehearsal and performance of select repertoire of orchestral music. This ensemble endeavors to develop playing and listening skills, both individually and as an ensemble

MU 2990 Special Topics in Music: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

MU 3013 Survey of Western Music History I: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. A survey of western music history from Antiquity through the Baroque Period (up to ca. 1750 A.D./C.E.). This course serves as the first in a 2-course music history sequence required for music majors

MU 3023 Survey of Western Music History II: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: MU 3013 or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. A survey of western music history from the Classical Period through the present (from ca. 1750 A.D./C.E.). This is the second in a 2-course music history sequence

MU 3053 Music of Latin America: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. An introduction to the diverse musical traditions of Latin America. The course includes the study of the relationship between music and history by addressing issues of geography, colonialism, globalization, gender, politics and religion

MU 3103 Native American Music: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. An introduction to the diverse musical traditions of Native America. The course includes study of role and meaning of “tradition” in Native American music, selected tribal musical styles, and historical context which influenced tribal music and dance

MU 3111 Group Piano 3: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: BMP, BME, or BA Music Major, or permission of instructor, Grade of C or better in MU 2121). Two hours studio. Intermediate piano. Course material develops functional piano skills and prepares students for the piano proficiency exam (PPE) during the final examination period

MU 3112 Functional Skills for Piano Majors 1: 2 hours.

(Prerequisite: BMP, BME, or BA Music Major in the Keyboard Concentration, or by permission of instructor). Four hours studio. Functional keyboard skills for music majors who read and play intermediate to advanced-level repertoire. Develops functional piano skills (e.g., sight-reading, technique, score reading, transposition, chord progressions, improvisation, repertoire)

MU 3121 Group Piano 4: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: BMP, BME, or BA Music Major, or permission of instructor, Grade of C or better in MU 3131). Two hours studio. Course material develops functional piano skills (e.g., sight reading, technical exercises, score reading, instrumental transposition, chord progressions, improvisation, repertoire pieces, ensemble playing)

MU 3122 Functional Skills for Piano Majors 2: 2 hours.

(Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in MU 3112 or equivalent, or by permission of instructor.) Four hours studio. Functional Keyboard skills for music majors who read and play intermediate to advanced-level repertoire. Develops functional piano skills (e.g., sight-reading, technique, score reading, transposition, chord progressions, improvisation, repertoire)

MU 3123 Creative Arts for Elementary and Middle Levels: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education) Three hours lecture. An exploration of musical and artistic elements utilizing a variety of multicultural music, dance, drama and aesthetic visual. (Same as EDE 3443)

MU 3133 Brass Literature: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. Study of solo, chamber, wind band, and orchestral brass literature from the Baroque to the 21st-century. Emphasis on student’s primary instrument with an overview of literature for all brass

MU 3143 History of Jazz: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. History of Jazz musical genres. Follows the timeline of Jazz from its multi-cultural origins to its emergence as a uniquely American musical form. Describes the development of different periods of Jazz history, representative personalities and the role of Jazz in society and culture

MU 3153 Music of Africa: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. An introduction to the diverse musical traditions of Africa. The course includes the study of the relationship between music and history by addressing issues of geography, colonialism, globalization, gender, politics and religion

MU 3173 Women in Music: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites EN 1103 or EN 1163). Three hours lecture. A survey of music from the middle ages to present focusing on music commissioned, written, or performed by women and the evolution of women’s rights as it pertains to the music industry with an emphasis on writing skill development

MU 3183 History of Rock and Roll: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. History of the development of Rock and Roll from the early 1950’s to the present, including early Rock and Roll, the British invasion, and 21st century current trends; the course examines the symbiotic relationship between music and society

MU 3193 American Music: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. Historical development of music and composers of the United States; individual investigation of related American music special topics; individual and directed listening to musical examples

MU 3201 Collaborative Piano Ensemble: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: late intermediate to early advanced piano skills. Audition required). One to five rehearsals per week. The study and performance of vocal/piano and instrumental piano repertoire. May be repeated for credit

MU 3233 Guitar Literature: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: BMP, BME, or BA Music Major, passed UDPE, or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. Detailed study of guitar performance literature from the solo, chamber music, and orchestral repertoire

MU 3273 Music of the Beatles: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: EN 1103 or EN 1163). Three hours lecture. A survey of the music of the Beatles focused on its structure, lyrics, social influence, and cultural significance, with emphasis on writing skill development

MU 3333 Orchestration: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: C or higher in MU 2813 and MU 2921, or equivalents, plus fully-passed Music Theory Upper Division Proficiency Examination.) Three hours lecture. Study of instruments and orchestration techniques; mastery through readings, exercises, examinations, presentations, and creative projects

MU 3411 Functional Piano Skills for Vocal Majors: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: BMP, BME, or BA Music Major in the Vocal Concentration and passed UDPE, or permission of instructor). Two hours studio. Intermediate piano. Course material develops functional piano skills for pre-service vocal music education teachers (e.g., technical exercises, sight reading, vocalise, vocal accompaniments, and vocal score reading)

MU 3412 Conducting: 2 hours.

Two hours lecture. The elements of conducting, baton technique, and interpretation

MU 3433 Piano Literature: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. Repertoire, curriculum building, in a chronological and historical organization for teachers. Includes learning repertoire for teaching beginning, intermediate, and advanced piano. Recommended for all students in the keyboard concentration. Requires music reading and some knowledge of history

MU 3442 Advanced Conducting: 2 hours.

(Prerequisites: MU 3412 and MU 3111 [or equivalent credit]). One hour lecture. Two hours laboratory. Continuation of MU 3412 with emphasis on interpretation of significant instrumental and choral literature

MU 3533 Percussion Literature: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: BMP, BME, or BA Music Major, passed UDPE, or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. Detailed study of percussion performance literature from the solo, chamber music, and orchestral repertoire

MU 3543 Music Business and Ethics: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. Comprehensive overview of the music industry, focusing on the intersection of business practices and ethical considerations. Exploration of structure and dynamics, including management, marketing, distribution, and revenue streams, while critically examining ethical issues related to intellectual property, artist rights, cultural appropriation, and diversity

MU 3553 Audio Production 1: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: MU 1553; or instructor permission). Three hours lecture. Introduces techniques for creating sessions, recording/importing audio, editing clips, navigating sessions, arranging media on tracks, apply basic processing and mixing techniques to finalize an audio production. With MU 3563, prepares students for Pro Tools Operator certification

MU 3563 Audio Production 2: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: MU 3553; or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. Building recording sessions designed for commercial purposes and improving the results of recording, editing, and mixing efforts. With MU 3553, prepares students for Pro Tools Operator certification

MU 3633 String Literature: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. Detailed study of string performance literature from the solo, chamber music, and orchestral repertoire

MU 3681 Opera Production: 1 hour.

(Audition required, co-requisite MUA 1050, 2050, or 3050 concurrently with Opera Production). One hour studio. Students will practice acting, singing, stagecraft, and movement, as well as learning to collaborate with their peers. Musical and staging rehearsals will culminate in performances of opera production. May be repeated for credit

MU 3761 State Singers: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: Audition Required or Permission of Instructor). Two hours studio. The study and performance of a variety of SATB choral music of many styles, contexts and cultures, including masterworks. May be repeated for credit more than once

MU 3833 Woodwind Literature: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, or permission by instructor). Three hours lecture. The study of solo, chamber, orchestral woodwind literature and method books from the Baroque to the 21st century. Emphasis is on students’ primary instrument

MU 3933 Survey of Choral Literature: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, MU 3412). Three hours lecture. A survey of choral music from the Medieval Period to modern compositions

MU 4000 Directed Individual Study in Music: 1-6 hours.

Hours and credits to be arranged

MU 4133 Brass Pedagogy: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. Study of brass instruments with emphasis on pedagogical and performance skills. Topics include fundamentals of brass playing, studio organization, working in a professional environment, and the history of brass instruments

MU 4313 Form and Analysis: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: C or higher in MU 2813 and MU 2921, or equivalents, plus fully-passed Music Theory Upper Division Proficiency Examination.) Three hours lecture. A survey of forms in music literature, with emphasis on harmonic structure and analytical techniques

MU 4322 Band Arranging: 2 hours.

(Prerequisite: Passing scores on both written and aural portions of the Music Theory Upper Division exam.) Two hours lecture. Study of idiomatic writing for instrumental ensembles, including marching, concert, and jazz bands

MU 4433 Introduction to Piano Pedagogy: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. Methods, materials, curriculum building, and philosophical bases for teaching beginning piano. Required of all students in the keyboard concentration

MU 4533 Percussion Pedagogy: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: BMP, BME, or BA Music Major, passed UDPE, or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. Detailed study of percussion teaching techniques and selected pedagogical solo and ensemble repertoire

MU 4633 String Pedagogy: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. Detailed study of string teaching techniques and selected pedagogical solo and ensemble repertoire

MU 4733 Piano Performance Practice: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, passed MU 3333, MU 3433, and MUA 3012). Three hours lecture. A historical study of how music was performed in the composer’s time from earlier to later periods

MU 4833 Woodwind Pedagogy: 3 hours.

(Pre-requisite: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. Study of woodwind instruments with emphasis on pedagogical and performance skills. Topics include fundamentals of woodwind playing, studio organization, working in a professional environment, and the history of woodwind instruments

MU 4933 Survey of Symphonic Literature: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, MU 3023, or permission of instructor) Three hours lecture. Survey of literature of the symphony genre, in the Western Classical Music tradition, from earliest discernible 17th-century appearances through the present day

MU 4951 Senior Performance Recital: 1 hour.

(Prerequisites: Music Performance majors (BMP) only and Passed UDPE. Corequisite: 4000 level MUA). Two hours studio. Full recital in a university recital setting. The student prepares the recital pieces in their applied lessons, through rehearsal with an accompanist and/or other contributing musicians

MU 4990 Special Topics in Music: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

MU 6733 Piano Performance Practice: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Music majors (BA, BME, BMP) only, passed MU 3333, MU 3433, and MUA 3012). Three hours lecture. A historical study of how music was performed in the composer’s time from earlier to later periods

MU 6990 Special Topics in Music: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

MU 7000 Directed Individual Study in Music: 1-6 hours.

Hours and credits to be arranged

MU 8013 Seminar in Music History Research: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Admission to MME Degree Program.) Three hours graduate seminar. Develops knowledge and skills necessary to conduct advanced research in subjects relating to music history

MU 8023 Seminar in Music Theory: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Admission to MME Degree Program). Three hours seminar. Advanced study of music theory concepts, pedagogy, and creative applications

MU 8402 Advanced Instrumental Arranging: 2 hours.

(Prerequisites: Admission to MME degree program; or permission of instructor). Two hours lecture. Advanced scoring practice in arranging music for concert, marching, jazz bands, and small instrumental ensembles

MU 8412 World Drumming: 2 hours.

(Prerequisite: Admission to MME Degree Program). Two hours lecture. An introduction to drum techniques, traditional rhythms, performance practices, ensemble organization, and musical concepts of selected world drumming traditions

MU 8422 Keyboard Skills for Music Educators: 2 hours.

(Prerequisite: Admission to MME Degree Program). Two hours lecture. Group piano course designed to help music educators improve keyboard skills for playing parts and accompaniments, singing and playing, playing from lead sheets, improvisation, and sight playing

MU 8482 Wind Band Literature: 2 hours.

(Prerequisite: admission to the MME degree program). Two hours lecture. The study of the literature and history of the concert band (Renaissance to present era)

MU 8990 Special Topics in Music: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

MU 9000 Research in Music: 1-13 hours.

Hours and credits to be arranged