2024-25 Academic Catalog

Interdisciplinary Studies

Major Advisors: Kasondra Harris and Kate Sawaya
Office: 513 Allen Hall

The Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies is a university-wide degree coordinated through the College of Arts & Sciences by the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee. This multi-discipline academic program is appropriate for students motivated by specific interests not recognized in traditional majors and is not intended to compete with existing programs. All University requirements, including 31 hours of upper division course work and a year’s residence, must be met for graduation.

The Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies is intended to allow students maximum flexibility to custom-design a curriculum to meet their personal and career goals. A program of study must assure depth of study as well as breadth. Therefore, it must ensure that students take at least 36 upper-division hours in the areas they have chosen for emphasis and that they select a minimum of 12 hours in each of three areas or 18 hours in two. Emphasis areas must be selected from at least two colleges. Only one grade of "D" will be accepted in each area of emphasis, and a minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in each area of emphasis. A total of 120 semester hours is required for graduation, along with an MSU and cumulative GPA of 2.0.

To ensure coherence in the program, the student must construct and explain in writing the rationale for the interdisciplinary studies program’s direct relationship to the student’s personal and career goals. Each student will be required to meet with advisors in the academic disciplines who will agree to sponsor the student in drawing up the proposed curriculum, formulating the rationale, and presenting the case in writing to the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee. This should be done prior to the senior year.

BSIS Limitations: Students may only receive minors in the BSIS in subjects outside their emphasis areas. A student may only receive a BSIS degree as a second bachelor's degree with special permission by the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee. 

The Interdisciplinary Studies Committee will meet during the fall, spring and summer semesters, and students must submit a written application through the IDS 2111 course. For further information, contact:

College of Arts & Sciences
513 Allen Hall, Mail Stop 9706
Mississippi State, MS 39762
(662) 325-2646

Entertainment Technology Concentration

Entertainment Technology trains students to use technology to advance artistic goals in jobs like stage robotics, scenic automation, entertainment production, sound engineering, technical direction, and lighting for live theatre, concerts, theme parks, sporting events, etc. Entertainment technologists can design, create, and operate the systems necessary to achieve a variety of artistic outcomes. A concentration in Entertainment Technology will prepare students to work with large scale production companies in spaces such as theme parks, arenas, performance venues, and museums.

BS in Interdisciplinary Studies

General Education Requirements

English Composition
EN 1103English Composition I3
or EN 1104 Expanded English Composition I
EN 1113English Composition II3
or EN 1173 Accelerated Composition II
Creative Discovery
General Education courses 13
General Education courses6
Social/Behavioral Sciences
General Education courses 26
Quantitative Reasoning
General Education courses6
Natural Sciences
General Education courses; two labs required.6-8

College Requirements & Major Core

Major Core
Pre-Emphasis Area coursesConsult advisor 312-15
IDS 2111Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies1
IDS 4111Professional Seminar1
Emphasis Area(s)Consult advisor 336-37
Oral Communication
CO 1003Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
or CO 1013 Introduction to Communication
Jr/Sr Writing
Consult advisor 3
Free Electives
Consult advisor28-34
Total Hours120

CO 1503 required for Entertainment Technology concentration


EC 2113 required for Entertainment Technology concentration


Concentrations require specific courses; see concentration and consult advisor. See Overview tab for more details about emphasis areas that are not part of a concentration.

Entertainment Technology Concentration

Pre-Emphasis Area Courses
MU 1113History and Appreciation of Music3
CO 2512Introduction to Theatrical Design2
CO 2523Introduction to Stagecraft3
CO 2551Sound for the Stage and Screen1
INDT 2323Welding Technology3
Choose one of the following:3
Introduction to PLC Programming
Introduction to CNC Programming
Parametric Modeling for 3D Design
Industrial Fluid Power
Emphasis Area - Communication
CO 3512Scenic Design2
CO 3522Lighting for the Stage and Screen2
CO 3552Professional Practice for Theatre2
CO 3573Script Analysis3
CO 3583Theatre for Young Audiences3
CO 3693Drawing for the Theatre3
CO 4563Stage and Production Management3
CO 4591Theatre Capstone1
Emphasis Area - Industrial Technology
INDT 3043Industrial Safety3
INDT 3373Forecasting and Cost Modeling3
INDT 3813Technical Writing and Presentation for Industry3
Choose three of the following;9
Industrial Human Relations
Advanced Industrial Electricity and Electronics
Industrial Materials
Industrial Control Systems
Automated Systems
Maintenance Management
Industrial Robotics
Automated Systems II