2024-25 Academic Catalog

Applied Physics

Graduate Coordinator: Dr. Henk F. Arnoldus
Hilbun Hall 125
Box 5167
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Telephone: 662-325-2159
E-mail: hfa1@msstate.edu

An Interdisciplinary Program

An interdisciplinary program leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering with a concentration in Applied Physics is available. A specific program, depending on the research interest of the student, is established by consultation between the student and his/her advisor. 

Major areas of study include the following:

Computational physics
Condensed matter physics
Experimental and theoretical nuclear physics
Experimental and theoretical optics
Experimental atomic, molecular, optical, and plasma physics     
Experimental nanomaterials and nanoelectronics

Graduate research and teaching assistantships are available. For a complete listing of requirements and other pertinent information, please reference information provided in Physics and Astronomy, College of Arts and Science, located in this publication.

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Applied Physics Concentration

Core Courses
PH 8213Mechanics3
PH 8233Methods of Theoretical Physics I3
PH 8243Methods of Theoretical Physics II3
PH 8313Electromagnetic Theory3
PH 8743Quantum Mechanics I3
PH 8753Quantum Mechanics II3
Other Requirements
Additional coursework in the area of specialization
PH 9000Research in Physics (at least 20 hours)20
Total Hours38

All Ph.D. candidates are required to take a minimum of 20 credit hours of PH 9000 Research/Dissertation.The committee for an individual student may require additional courses depending on the research area and background of the student. Ph.D. candidates must pass a comprehensive examination on the proposed dissertation topic.The comprehensive examination is comprised of a written document and an oral examination and must be attempted within the first 36 months of enrolling in the Ph.D. program.