2022-23 Academic Catalog

James Worth Bagley College of Engineering

This is an archived copy of the 2022-23 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.msstate.edu.

Dean: Dr. Jason M. Keith
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies: Dr. Kari Babski-Reeves

250 McCain
Box 9544
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Telephone: 662-325-2270
Fax: 662-325-8573
E-mail: kari@bagley.msstate.edu or josie@bagley.msstate.edu
Website: http://www.engr.msstate.edu

Degree and Certificate Programs

Department Degree and Major Concentration Thesis Non-Thesis Starkville Meridian Distance
Aerospace Engineering Master of Science - Aerospace Engineering X X X X
Aerospace Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - Engineering Aerospace Engineering X X
Agriculture and Biological Engineering Master of Science - Biological Engineering X X
Agriculture and Biological Engineering Master of Science - Biomedical Engineering X X
Agriculture and Biological Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - Engineering Biological Engineering X
Agriculture and Biological Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - Biomedical Engineering X
Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering Master of Science - Chemical Engineering X X X
Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - Engineering Chemical Engineering X X
Civil & Environmental Engineering Master of Science - Civil Engineering X X X X
Civil & Environmental Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - Engineering Civil Engineering X X
Computer Science & Engineering Master of Science - Computer Science X X X X
Computer Science & Engineering Master of Science - Cyber Security and Operations Cyber Defense X X X
Computer Science & Engineering Master of Science - Cyber Security and Operations Cyber Operations X X X
Computer Science & Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - Computer Science X X
Electrical & Computer Engineering Master of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering X X X X
Electrical & Computer Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - Electrical and Computer Engineering X X
Industrial & Systems Engineering Master of Science - Industrial Engineering Human Factors & Ergonomics X X X X
Industrial & Systems Engineering Master of Science - Industrial Engineering Industrial Systems X X X X
Industrial & Systems Engineering Master of Science - Industrial Engineering Management Systems X X X X
Industrial & Systems Engineering Master of Science - Industrial Engineering Manufacturing Systems X X X X
Industrial & Systems Engineering Master of Science - Industrial Engineering Operations Research X X X X
Industrial & Systems Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - Industrial and Systems Engineering X X
Mechanical Engineering Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering X X X X
Mechanical Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - Engineering Mechanical Engineering X X
Interdisciplinary Master of Engineering - Engineering X X X
Interdisciplinary Master of Science - Computational Engineering X X X X
Interdisciplinary Doctor of Philosophy - Computational Engineering X X
Interdisciplinary Doctor of Philosophy - Engineering Applied Physics X
Interdisciplinary Doctor of Philosophy - Engineering Engineering Education X X

Certificate Programs

Note: The following certificates are not stand-alone programs and must be completed in conjunction with either an undergraduate or graduate degree program:

  • Automotive Engineering
  • Computational Biology
  • Information Assurance Professional Certificate
  • Materials Engineering

The Bagley College of Engineering (BCoE) was created at MSU in 1902 as the School of Engineering and was named for MSU alumnus James Worth Bagley (EE, B.S. 1961; M.S. 1966) in 2002. The BCoE seeks to increase doctoral enrollment and direct-admits qualified B.S. graduates to doctoral programs.  The College is comprised of eight academic departments and offers 12 master’s degrees and 12 doctoral degrees.   Excellence in research is a high priority for BCoE faculty.  The College is comprised of tenure-track faculty members and research faculty who play an active role in both teaching and research for graduate students. With several state-of-the-art research centers and laboratories to provide hands-on experience for master’s and doctoral students, excellence extends beyond the classroom offerings.  Information on BCoE research centers and laboratories may be accessed under General Information—Centers and Institutes in this publication.  The BCoE also focuses on the placement of BCoE Engineering graduates with major multinational companies and top research universities.  BCoE is committed to a diverse student study body and seeks to enrich graduate education by providing a multiplicity of views and perspectives that enhance research, teaching, and the development of new knowledge.  Additional information about the Bagley College of Engineering is available at http://www.bagley.msstate.edu.

Academic Requirements

All graduate students in the BCoE must complete 50% of their degree coursework requirement at the 8000-level.

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering with concentration in Engineering Education

Graduate Coordinator: Dr. Lesley Strawderman
E-mail: strawderman@ise.msstate.edu

Required Courses
ENE 8003Foundations in Engineering Education3
ENE 8303Pedagogy & Assessment in Engineering Education3
EDF 8363Function and Methods of Research in Education3
EDF 9373Educational Research Design3
Statistics Requirement6-7
Choose one of two sequences:
Statistical Methods
and Regression Analysis
Engineering Statistics II
and Applied Statistics
Select graduate courses in EDF and EPY6
Other engineering graduate courses18
Select graduate elective courses6
Total Hours68-69

An oral comprehensive exam is required. Upon successful completion of the comprehensive exam and all coursework, all Ph.D. students must prepare and successfully defend the dissertation before a committee composed of faculty members of the University.