2024-25 Academic Catalog

College of Veterinary Medicine

Dean: Dr. Nicholas Frank
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and Graduate Coordinator: Dr. David Smith, Interim
Associate Dean: Dr. Ron McLaughlin
Associate Dean: Dr. Jack Smith

Wise Center
Box 6100
Mississippi State, MS 39762-6100
Telephone: 662-325-1417
Fax:  662-325-1193
E-mail: tia.perkins@msstate.edu
Website: http://www.cvm.msstate.edu

The College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) at Mississippi State University provides the following graduate programs:

Master of Science in Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences (VMS) with the following concentrations:

  • Population Medicine Non-Thesis (PMNT)
  • Veterinary Medical Research (VMRC)
  • Computational Biology (VCBC)
  • Infectious Diseases (VIDC)
  • Toxicology (TOXI)
  • Population Medicine (POPM)

Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences (VMS) with the following concentrations:

  • Veterinary Medical Research (VMRC)
  • Computational Biology (VCBC)
  • Infectious Diseases IVIDC)
  • Population Medicine (POPM)

Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Toxicology (ENVT)

These graduate programs provide advanced educational opportunities for students in a broad range of biomedical and veterinary sciences. A non-thesis master’s option in VMS is also offered with emphasis in food animal production medicine (i.e. dairy, beef, swine, poultry, and aquaculture). The goal of the VMS and ENVT programs is to provide training for the next generation of scientists and educators who will be leaders in biomedical and veterinary research and education. Faculty in CVM’s Department of Basic Sciences, Department of Clinical Sciences, and Department of Pathobiology & Population Medicine lead each student’s graduate education. Involvement in ongoing research projects conducted by the faculty is an important part of each degree program. Students in the VMS program specialize in disciplines such as applied clinical research, biocomputing, epidemiology, health disparities, infectious diseases, toxicology, and food safety.

Degree Programs

Department Degree and Major Concentration Thesis Non-Thesis Starkville Meridian Distance
College of Veterinary Medicine Master of Science - Veterinary Medical Science Computational Biology X X
College of Veterinary Medicine Master of Science - Veterinary Medical Science Infectious Diseases X X
College of Veterinary Medicine Master of Science - Veterinary Medical Science Population Medicine Non-Thesis X X
College of Veterinary Medicine Master of Science - Veterinary Medical Science Population Medicine X X
College of Veterinary Medicine Master of Science - Veterinary Medical Science Toxicology X X
College of Veterinary Medicine Master of Science - Veterinary Medical Science Veterinary Medical Research X X
College of Veterinary Medicine Doctor of Philosophy - Environmental Toxicology X
College of Veterinary Medicine Doctor of Philosophy - Veterinary Medical Science Computational Biology X
College of Veterinary Medicine Doctor of Philosophy - Veterinary Medical Science Infectious Diseases X
College of Vetinary Medicine Doctor of Philosophy - Veterinary Medical Science Population Medicine X
College of Veterinary Medicine Doctor of Philosophy - Veterinary Medical Science Veterinary Medical Research X

In addition to the traditional M.S. and Ph.D. programs in the college, students may pursue a D.V.M.-Ph.D. or D.V.M.-M.S. through the dual-degree program. Information concerning the D.V.M. dual-degree programs can be found at the Combined D.V.M.-Graduate Degree Programs site. The following admission guidelines/restrictions must be followed for admission to the dual degree program.

  • Student with a B.S. degree are eligible for admission to the M.S. and Ph.D. programs in CVM.
  • Current D.V.M. students without a B.S. degree must complete the first two years of the D.V.M. program before admission to a CVM M.S. or Ph.D. program.
  • A signed Dual Degree Form must be submitted to CVM Office of Research and Graduate Studies by the student and then to The Graduate School at the time of admission to the graduate program.