2024-25 Academic Catalog

Department of Aerospace Engineering

Department Head: Professor Rani W. Sullivan
Academic Coordinator: Ms. Machaunda Bush
Office: 321 Walker Engineering Building

The Department of Aerospace Engineering at Mississippi State University provides an accredited undergraduate curriculum with the mission of preparing students to enter the workplace as qualified entry-level aerospace engineers or to enter any aerospace engineering graduate program adequately prepared for advanced study. This mission is accomplished by a strong foundation in mathematics and physical and engineering sciences upon which student problem-solving and application skills are developed. The curriculum stresses analytical and communication skills, with particular emphasis placed on engineering design throughout the curriculum. A capstone design experience in the senior year provides the opportunity to integrate design, analytical, and problem-solving skills along with communication skills in a team environment that emulates aerospace engineering practice.

The mission is accomplished by the following educational objectives, which describe the career and professional accomplishments we are preparing our graduates to achieve. Our graduates will:

  1. Be involved in solving unstructured engineering problems within their organization that will allow them to successfully advance in the engineering profession.
  2. Be engaged in lifelong learning and pursue professional development through actions such as persistent study of the current literature in the field, participation in graduate education, professional education or continuing education opportunities, attainment of professional licensure, or membership in professional societies.
  3. Be professionally and ethically responsible to the profession, society, and the environment incumbent on an engineering professional.
  4. Collaborate successfully and positively on multi-disciplinary, culturally-diverse teams in support of their organizational goals.
  5. Communicate effectively in various settings and contexts by activities such as writing technical reports and peer-reviewed articles and presenting at technical interchanges.

These objectives are accomplished in two different concentrations in the aerospace engineering curriculum, an aeronautics concentration and an astronautics concentration. The concentration in aeronautics focuses on the analysis and design of aircraft and other vehicles that operate primarily within the earth’s atmosphere, and the concentration in astronautics focuses on the analysis and design of spacecraft and other vehicles that operate primarily outside the earth’s atmosphere. A student in aerospace engineering will choose one of these two concentrations upon choosing the aerospace engineering major.

The B. S. program in Aerospace Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org, under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Aerospace and similarly named engineering programs.

General Education Requirements

English Composition
EN 1103English Composition I3
or EN 1104 Expanded English Composition I
EN 1113English Composition II3
or EN 1173 Accelerated Composition II
Creative Discovery
Select from General Education courses3
Select from General Education courses6
Social/Behavioral Sciences
Select from General Education courses6
Quantitative Reasoning
MA 1713Calculus I3
MA 1723Calculus II3
Natural Sciences
CH 1213
CH 1211
Chemistry I
and Investigations in Chemistry I
PH 2213Physics I3
PH 2223Physics II3
Additional Requirements
MA 2733Calculus III3
MA 2743Calculus IV3
MA 3113Introduction to Linear Algebra3
MA 3253Differential Equations I3
Math/Science Elective 13
CSE 1233Computer Programming with C3
Major Core
ECE 3413Introduction to Electronic Circuits3
EG 1143Graphic Communication3
EM 2413Engineering Mechanics I3
EM 2433Engineering Mechanics II3
EM 3213Mechanics of Materials3
EM 3313Fluid Mechanics3
EM 3413Vibrations3
ASE 1013Introduction to Aerospace Engineering3
ASE 2113Introduction to Aircraft and Spacecraft Performance3
ASE 3233Aerospace Structural Analysis I3
ASE 3243Aerospace Structural Analysis II3
ASE 3333Aerothermodynamics3
ASE 4113Aerospace Engineering Laboratory I3
ASE 4123Aerospace Controls3
ASE 4343Compressible Aerodynamics3
ASE 4623Aerospace Structural Design3
ASE 4721Aerospace Engineering Laboratory II1
Technical Electives 26
Oral Communication Requirement
Satisfied by successful completion of ASE 4513/ASE 4523 or ASE 4533/ASE 4543, ASE 4623, ASE 4721 and GE 3513.
Writing Requirement
GE 3513Technical Writing3
Computer Literacy
Satisfied by successful completion of ASE 1013 and ASE 2113.
Choose one of the following concentrations:15
Aeronautics Concentration (ARO)
Aircraft Flight Dynamics
Incompressible Aerodynamics
Aircraft Propulsion
Aircraft Design I
Aircraft Design II
Astronautics Concentration (ASO)
Introduction to Orbital Mechanics
Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics
Spacecraft Propulsion
Spacecraft Design I
Spacecraft Design II
Total hours128

The department maintains a list of pre-approved math/science electives on its website. Other courses may be selected upon approval of the department.


Technical electives may be selected from any of the department’s listing of Advanced Undergraduate/Graduate Courses, plus EM 4123, EM 4133 and EM 4143. Other courses may be selected upon approval of the department. All required courses in one concentration qualify as technical electives for students in the other concentration.

Aerospace Engineering Courses

ASE 1013 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: credit or co-registration in MA 1713). Three hours lecture. Three hours laboratory. Historical perspectives of aerospace engineering and fundamentals of aerodynamics, the standard atmosphere, computer modeling and manufacturing, information technology, programming environments, computational tools

ASE 1501 Student Design Competition: 1 hour.

(Pre/co-requisite: Aerospace Engineering student with MSU GPA 2.5 or greater or permission of instructor). One hour practicum. Students participate in a department-sponsored design competition, contributing to design and fabrication tasks, writing weekly progress reports, contributing to competitive report and giving presentations

ASE 2013 Astrodynamics, Propulsion and Structures: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 1013 and a grade of C or better in MA 1713 and credit or registsration in MA 1723 and PH 2213). Three hours lecture. Three hours laboratory. Introduction to space flight (astronautics), propulsion, flight vehicle structures and materials, and hypersonic vehicles, applications of computer modeling, computational tools, with historical perspectives

ASE 2113 Introduction to Aircraft and Spacecraft Performance: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 1013 and CSE 1233 and grade of C or better in MA 1723 and PH 2213). Three hours lecture. Introduction to general aerodynamics, propulsive and structural considerations of flight mechanics, quasi-steady flight; accelerated and maneuvering flight; launch vehicle performance

ASE 2711 Aerospace Laboratory I: 1 hour.

(Corequisites: Credit or registration in EM 3213 and EM 3313). Two hours laboratory. Experimental techniques used in aerospace engineering: Laboratory methods and tools

ASE 2990 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

ASE 3123 Aircraft Flight Dynamics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: EM 3413). Three hours lecture. Longitudinal, directional, and lateral static stability and control; related aerodynamics; maneuvering flight; introduction to dynamic stability and control analysis methods; general equation of unsteady motion

ASE 3213 Mechanics of Deformable Structures: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite:Grade of C or better in EM 3213 and MA 3113 ).Three hours lecture. Introduction to structural materials and loads. Deflection analysis using energy methods, flexibility-based matrix method, and the finite element method. Influence of design on deflection and vice versa

ASE 3223 Aerospace Structural Analysis: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in EM 3213). Three hours lecture. Stress analysis of elastic and inelastic structures under different loading conditions. Shear flow distribution in thin-wall structures. Influence of design on stress and shear flow distributions

ASE 3233 Aerospace Structural Analysis I: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in EM 3213). Three hours lecture. Introduction to elasticity, stress analysis of elastic and inelastic structures under different loading conditions. Shear flow distribution in thin-wall structures. Influence of design on stress and shear flow distributions

ASE 3243 Aerospace Structural Analysis II: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: ASE 3233 and MA 3113). Three hours lecture. Deflection analysis using energy methods and the finite element method. Influence of design on deflection and vice versa

ASE 3313 Incompressible Aerodynamics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite:Grade of C or better in EM 3313). Three hours lectures. Potential theory of bodies; airfoil theory and applications; finite wing theory and applications; introduction to Navier-Stokes equations; laminar boundary layers; turbulent boundary layers

ASE 3333 Aerothermodynamics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites:Grade of C or better in MA 2733 and PH 2213). Three hours lecture. Energy; First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics; Entropy; Properties of Ideal Gases, Gas Power Cycles; Introduction to Heat Transfer

ASE 3721 Aerospace Laboratory II: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: ASE 2711; Credit or registration in EM 3413 and ASE 3313). Two hours laboratory. Experimental techniques used in aerospace engineering: Incompressible Aerodynamics & Structures

ASE 3731 Aerospace Laboratory III: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: ASE 2711; Corequisites: ASE 4343 and ASE 3813). Two hours laboratory. Experimental techniques used in aerospace engineering: Compressible Aerodynamics, Propulsion, & Controls

ASE 3813 Introduction to Orbital Mechanics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisities:Grade of C or better in EM 2433, MA 3253 and MA 3113).Three hours lecture. Two-body orbital mechanics;geometry of spatial orbits; fundamental orbits determination;orbital maneuvers; introduction to rendezvous and interplanetary trajectories

ASE 3823 Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: EM 3413). Three hours lecture. Motion of spacecraft about center of gravity. Rigid body dynamics and rotational kinematics. Mission pointing requirements and design of the attitude determination and control system

ASE 4000 Directed Individual Study in Aerospace Engineering: 1-6 hours.

Hours and credits to be arranged

ASE 4113 Aerospace Engineering Laboratory I: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: Credit or registration in EM 3413). Six hours laboratory. Experimental techniques used in aerospace engineering

ASE 4123 Aerospace Controls: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 3123 or ASE 3823). Three hours lecture. Methods of dynamic analysis; stability of steady flight; response to actuation of the controls (open loop); closed-loop control ;human crew/vehicle interactions

ASE 4133 Automatic Control of Aerospace Vehicles: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 4123). Three hours lecture. Optimization techniques; structural flexibility effects; statistical design; sample-data control systems

ASE 4153 Advanced Performance: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 2113 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Performance methods use for current aeronautical vehicles. Configurations considered are sailplanes, V/STOL aircraft, subsonic/supersonic transports, and fighters

ASE 4163 Introduction to Flight Test Engineering: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite:ASE 3313,ASE 4123).Three hours lecture. Introduction to the techniques of aeronautical flight test engineering. Supplements Aerospace curriculum Pitot/static systems, and introduces fixed-wing flight test engineering, data reduction,certification, flight-test risk assessment/mitigation, and fligt crew-station analysis procedures

ASE 4233 Structural Dynamics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: EM 3413). Three hours lecture. Influence coefficients; matrix methods; Lagrange's equations of motion; divergence on an airfoil; introduction to flutter

ASE 4343 Compressible Aerodynamics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites:ASE 3333 & Grade of C or better in EM 3313). Three hours lecture. Equations of motion for multidimensional flow; oblique shock waves; Prandtl Meyer flow; internal flow; method of characteristics; linearized flows; compressible wing theory; compressible boundary layers

ASE 4353 Combustion Theory and Modeling: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Grade C or better in ASE 3333 or CHE 3113 or ME 3513 or Instructor Consent). Three-hour lecture. Acquisition of theoretical basis of thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and fluid physics for describing flames and combustion. Exploration of state-of-the-art problem-solving techniques and software tools. (Same as EM 4353/6353)

ASE 4413 Aircraft Propulsion: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: ASE 3333 and ASE 4343). Three hours lecture. Aerothermodynamics of aircraft jet engines and gas turbine engines components;nozzles;turbines; compressors;diffusers;introduction to piston engines; propellers and propeller performance estimation

ASE 4423 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Elementary aspects of computational fluid dynamics (CFD); review of numerical analysis and fluid mechanics as pertinent to CFD; numerical solution to selected fluid dynamic problems

ASE 4433 Fundamentals of Numerical Grid Generation: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Grid Generation strategies; effects of grid quality on discetization errors; structured and unstructured grid generation algorithms; solution adaptive grid generation; surface grid generation

ASE 4443 Spacecraft Propulsion: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites:ASE 3333 and ASE 4343) Three hours lecture. Nozzles and thermochemistry. Components, design and performance of liquid propellant, solid propellant, hybrid and electric rocket propulsion systems

ASE 4513 Aircraft Design I: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: ASE 3123; and ASE 3313; and ASE 3243 or ASE 3223). Two hours lecture. Three hours laboratory. Introduction to the principles and techniques of aircraft design. Introduction to systems engineering and requirements analysis; design optimization; layout; weight; performance

ASE 4523 Aircraft Design II: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 4513 ). One hour lecture. Five hours laboratory. Continuation of ASE 4513. Students make use of principles and techniques covered in ASE 4513 to create a design of an aircraft

ASE 4533 Spacecraft Design I: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: ASE 3223 or ASE 3243, ASE 3813, ASE 3823). Two hours lecture. Three hours laboratory. Introduction to the principles and techniques of spacecraft and mission design. Systems engineering and requirement analysis, spacecraft system characteristics and mission phases

ASE 4543 Spacecraft Design II: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite:ASE 4533) One hour lecture. Five hours laboratory. Continuation of ASE 4533, Spacecraft Design I. Application of design concepts and principles. Concentration on systems engineering, detail design, life cycle cost, manufacturing and operations

ASE 4553 Engineering Design Optimization: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite:Consent of Instructor).Three hours lecture. Introduction to optimality criteria and optimization techniques for solving constrained or unconstrained optimization problems. Sensitivity analysis and approximation. Computer application in optimization. Introduction to MDO. (Same as EM 4143/6143 and IE 4743/6743)

ASE 4623 Aerospace Structural Design: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 3223 or ASE 3233). Three hours lecture. Principles of design and manufacture of aerospace structures. General theories of stability and failure with applications. Design optimization, fabrication, and testing of structural members

ASE 4713 Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems: 3 hours.

Three-hour lecture. This course provides an introduction to various aspects involved in design and operation of unmanned aircraft systems. With the increasing use of UAS in civilian and military roles, future engineers will benefit from a systems perspective of unmanned aircraft systems

ASE 4721 Aerospace Engineering Laboratory II: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite: ASE 4113). Three hours laboratory. Experimental techniques used in aerospace engineering

ASE 4800 Undergraduate Research: 1-13 hours.

The purpose of this course is to provide a student with the opportunity to participate in research and/or creative project beyond the traditional undergraduate experience, while allowing the university to track undergraduate participation in these activities. Hours, credits and deliverables to be arranged

ASE 4813 Advanced Orbital Mechanics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 3813). Three hours lecture. Orbital mechanics; perturbations and numerical integration. Global positioning system, launch performance and optimization

ASE 4990 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

ASE 6013 Directed Project in Aerospace Engineering: 3 hours.

(Contact hours and title to be arranged). An individual professional project open only to candidates for the Master of Science degree (non-thesis option) Formal written and oral project reports are required

ASE 6133 Automatic Control of Aerospace Vehicles: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 4123). Three hours lecture. Optimization techniques; structural flexibility effects; statistical design; sample-data control systems

ASE 6153 Advanced Performance: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 2113 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Performance methods use for current aeronautical vehicles. Configurations considered are sailplanes, V/STOL aircraft, subsonic/supersonic transports, and fighters

ASE 6163 Introduction to Flight Test Engineering: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite:ASE 3313,ASE 4123).Three hours lecture. Introduction to the techniques of aeronautical flight test engineering. Supplements Aerospace curriculum Pitot/static systems, and introduces fixed-wing flight test engineering, data reduction,certification, flight-test risk assessment/mitigation, and fligt crew-station analysis procedures

ASE 6233 Structural Dynamics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: EM 3413). Three hours lecture. Influence coefficients; matrix methods; Lagrange's equations of motion; divergence on an airfoil; introduction to flutter

ASE 6353 Combustion Theory and Modeling: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Grade C or better in ASE 3333 or CHE 3113 or ME 3513 or Instructor Consent). Three-hour lecture. Acquisition of theoretical basis of thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and fluid physics for describing flames and combustion. Exploration of state-of-the-art problem-solving techniques and software tools. (Same as EM 4353/6353)

ASE 6423 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Elementary aspects of computational fluid dynamics (CFD); review of numerical analysis and fluid mechanics as pertinent to CFD; numerical solution to selected fluid dynamic problems

ASE 6433 Fundamentals of Numerical Grid Generation: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Grid Generation strategies; effects of grid quality on discetization errors; structured and unstructured grid generation algorithms; solution adaptive grid generation; surface grid generation

ASE 6553 Engineering Design Optimization: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite:Consent of Instructor).Three hours lecture. Introduction to optimality criteria and optimization techniques for solving constrained or unconstrained optimization problems. Sensitivity analysis and approximation. Computer application in optimization. Introduction to MDO. (Same as EM 4143/6143 and IE 4743/6743)

ASE 6713 Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems: 3 hours.

Three-hour lecture. This course provides an introduction to various aspects involved in design and operation of unmanned aircraft systems. With the increasing use of UAS in civilian and military roles, future engineers will benefit from a systems perspective of unmanned aircraft systems

ASE 6813 Advanced Orbital Mechanics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 3813). Three hours lecture. Orbital mechanics; perturbations and numerical integration. Global positioning system, launch performance and optimization

ASE 6990 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

ASE 7000 Directed Individual Study in Aerospace Engineering: 1-6 hours.

Hours and credits to be arranged

ASE 8313 Advanced Compressible Aerodynamics I: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 4343 or equivalent). Three hours lecture. Derivation of complete equations for compressible fluid flow; unsteady one-dimensional flows; method of characteristics; flow about two-dimensional and axis-symmetric shapes; integral methods

ASE 8323 Advanced Compressible Aerodynamics II: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 8313). Three hours lecture. Perturbation theory for wings and bodies; optimum wing and body shapes; wing-body interference; transonic flows, hypersonic flows

ASE 8343 Incompressible Viscous Laminar Flow: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations; properties and exact solutions; laminar boundary layer equations; two- and three-dimensional solutions; time-dependent solutions; approximate solutions; boundary layer control

ASE 8353 Turbulent Flow: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 8343). Three hours lecture. Origins of turbulence; stability statistical theory of turbulence; isotropic and non-isotropic turbulence; equations of turbulent flow; turbulent boundary layer; free turbulent flow

ASE 8363 Computational Heat Transfer: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor). Three hours lecture. Application of numerical techniques to elliptic and parabolic problems in engineering heat transfer and fluid flow. Discretization techniques; linearization; stability analysis. (Same as ME 8363)

ASE 8413 Computational Fluid Dynamics I: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Review of relevant numerical analysis; one dimensional methods; compressible inviscid methods, Euler Equation methods, inviscid-viscous interaction methods; current literature

ASE 8423 Computational Fluid Dynamics II: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: ASE 8413 or equivalent). Three hours lecture. Compressible Viscous Methods; Navier-Stokes equation methods; turbulence models; incompressible methods; panel methods; finite element methods, current literature

ASE 8853 Statistical Orbit Determination: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite:ASE 4813/6813 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Review of matrix and statistical concepts. Overview of orbit determination problem. Least squares:sequential and batch processors; square-root filters; discrete and continuous Kalman filters

ASE 8863 Optimal Control of Dynamic Systems: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite:ASE 4123 or ECE 4913/6913 or equivalent). Three hours lecture. State variable description of systems: maximum principle of Pantryagin,dynamic programming, optimization of linear systems with quadratic performance measures;time optimal and fuel optimal systems. (Same as ECE 8943 )

ASE 8990 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

ASE 9000 Research in Aerospace Engineering: 1-13 hours.

Hours and credits to be arranged

Engineering Mechanics Courses

EM 2413 Engineering Mechanics I: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MA 1723 and PH 2213).Three hours lecture or three hours recitation with online content delivery. Concepts of forces, moments and other vector quantities; analysis of force systems; conditions of equilibrium; friction; centroids and moments of inertia

EM 2433 Engineering Mechanics II: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites:Grade of C or better in EM 2413 and MA 2733). Three hours lecture. Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies, kinetics of particles and rigid bodies using force-mass-acceleration, energy, momentum methods

EM 2990 Special Topics in Engineering Mechanics: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

EM 3213 Mechanics of Materials: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite:Grade of C or better in EM 2413 and MA 2733). Three hours lecture. Free body diagrams, equilibrium of simple structures; shear and bending moment diagrams; analysis of stress and strain; deflections of beams

EM 3313 Fluid Mechanics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in EM 2413 and MA 2733). Three hours lecture. Fluid statics; analysis of fluid motion using the continuity, momentum and energy relationships; introduction to viscous flows

EM 3413 Vibrations: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites:Grade of C or better in EM 2433, MA 3253 and MA 3113).Three hours lecture. Fundamentals of free vibration, energy methods; forced and damped vibration, single degree of freedom; two degrees of freedom

EM 4000 Directed Individual Study in Engineering Mechanics: 1-6 hours.

Hours and credits to be arranged

EM 4123 An Introduction to the Finite Element Method: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor). Three hours lecture. Introduction to the mathematical theory, formulation, and computer implementation of the finite element method. App- lication to one-and two-dimensional problems in engineering mechanics

EM 4133 Mechanics of Composite Materials: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: EM 3213 and MA 3253.) Three hours lecture. Stress, strain, constituative relations for anisotropic material, lamina properties, laminate properties, composite beams and plates

EM 4143 Engineering Design Optimization: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite:Consent of instructor ) Three hours lecture. Introduction to optimality criteria and optimization techniques for solving constrained or unconstrained optimization problems. Sensitivity analysis and approximation. Computer application in optimization. Introduction to MDO. (Same as ASE 4553/6553 and IE 4743/6743 )

EM 4213 Advanced Mechanics of Materials: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: EM 3213). Three hours lecture. Stress, strain, stress-strain relationships, strain energy, failure theories, curved beams, unsymmetrical bending, shear center, torsion of noncircular sections, energy principles, Castigliano's theorem, inelastic behavior

EM 4990 Special Topics in Engineering Mechanics: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

EM 6123 An Introduction to the Finite Element Method: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor). Three hours lecture. Introduction to the mathematical theory, formulation, and computer implementation of the finite element method. App- lication to one-and two-dimensional problems in engineering mechanics

EM 6133 Mechanics of Composite Materials: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: EM 3213 and MA 3253.) Three hours lecture. Stress, strain, constituative relations for anisotropic material, lamina properties, laminate properties, composite beams and plates

EM 6143 Engineering Design Optimization: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite:Consent of instructor ) Three hours lecture. Introduction to optimality criteria and optimization techniques for solving constrained or unconstrained optimization problems. Sensitivity analysis and approximation. Computer application in optimization. Introduction to MDO. (Same as ASE 4553/6553 and IE 4743/6743 )

EM 6213 Advanced Mechanics of Materials: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: EM 3213). Three hours lecture. Stress, strain, stress-strain relationships, strain energy, failure theories, curved beams, unsymmetrical bending, shear center, torsion of noncircular sections, energy principles, Castigliano's theorem, inelastic behavior

EM 6990 Special Topics in Engineering Mechanics: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

EM 7000 Directed Individual Study in Engineering Mechanics: 1-6 hours.

Hours and credits to be arranged

EM 8113 Theory of Continuous Media: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: MA 3353 or consent of the instructor). Three hours lecture. An introduction to the general theory of continuous media and its application to the theories of elasticity and fluid mechanics

EM 8203 Applied Elasticity: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. Analysis of stress and strain; stress-strain relations; bending and torsion of beams; stress functions; strain energy

EM 8213 Fracture Mechanics: 3 hours.

(Prerequsite: EM 3213 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. History of fracture and development of fracture mechanics principles. Linear elastic and elastic-plastic stress analysis of cracked bodies. ASTM standards and applications

EM 8313 Advanced Dynamics: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites: EM 2433 and MA 3253). Three hours lecture. Fundamental considerations, Hamilton's principle, Lagrange's equations, rigid body dynamics

EM 8323 Advanced Vibrations: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: EM 3413). Three hours lecture. Oscillatory systems, matrix formulation by Lagrange's equations, natural modes of discrete and continuous systems, approximate methods, modal analysis

EM 8990 Special Topics in Engineering Mechanics: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)