2024-25 Academic Catalog

School of Health Professions

Located on the MSU-Meridian Riley Campus, the School of Health Professions is home to the Master of Physician Assistant Studies and Healthcare Administration programs.

The Healthcare Administration program is meticulously crafted to cater to the growing demand for highly specialized and proficient healthcare managers and clinical leaders nationwide. Our curriculum is designed to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the intricate landscape of finance, law, and regulations. Through our program, students will acquire a deep understanding of management principles, including organizational dynamics, strategic planning, marketing, human resources, problem-solving, decision-making, and leadership, all within the context of healthcare administration.

BS in Healthcare Administration

General Education Requirements

EN 1103English Composition I3
EN 1113English Composition II3
Creative Discovery 13
Humanities 16
EC 2113Principles of Macroeconomics3
EC 2123Principles of Microeconomics3
MA 1613Calculus for Business and Life Sciences I3
or MA 1713 Calculus I
Science with a lab 13-4
Science with a lab 13-4

Select from General Education courses

Major Core Requirements

ACC 2013Principles of Financial Accounting3
BQA 2113Business Statistical Methods I3
or ST 2113 Introduction to Statistics
BQA 3123Business Statistical Methods II3
CO 1003Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
or CO 1013 Introduction to Communication
FIN 3123Financial Management3
MGT 3213Organizational Communications3
or EN 3313 Writing for the Workplace
HCA 3103Health Information Systems3
HCA 3113Managing Healthcare Organizations3
HCA 3123Healthcare Economics3
HCA 3133Healthcare Logistics & Supply Chain Management3
HCA 3203Healthcare Marketing3
HCA 3313Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare System3
HCA 3513Human Resource Management in Healthcare3
HCA 3813Introduction to Healthcare Law and Regulation3
HCA 4013Healthcare Ethics3
HCA 4103Quality Management & Process Improvement in Healthcare3
HCA 4123Introduction to Health Informatics3
HCA 4303Financial Management for Healthcare3
HCA 4404Strategic Management for Healthcare4
HCA 4443Healthcare Internship3
HCA 4803Healthcare Policy3
Upper Division Electives5
Free Electives19-21
Total Hours to Graduate120

BAS in Healthcare Administration

General Education Requirements

EN 1103English Composition I3
EN 1113English Composition II3
Creative Discovery 13
Humanities 16
Social/Behavioral Science 13
EC 2123Principles of Microeconomics3
ST 2113Introduction to Statistics3
or BQA 2113 Business Statistical Methods I
Science with a lab 13-4
Science with a lab 13-4

Select from General Education courses

Major Core Requirements

CO 1003Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
or CO 1013 Introduction to Communication
FIN 3123Financial Management3
MGT 3213Organizational Communications3
or EN 3313 Writing for the Workplace
HCA 3103Health Information Systems3
HCA 3113Managing Healthcare Organizations3
HCA 3123Healthcare Economics3
HCA 3203Healthcare Marketing3
HCA 3313Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare System3
HCA 3513Human Resource Management in Healthcare3
HCA 3813Introduction to Healthcare Law and Regulation3
HCA 4013Healthcare Ethics3
HCA 4303Financial Management for Healthcare3
HCA 4803Healthcare Policy3
PCS 2111Introduction to the Bachelor of Applied Science1
PCS 3103Professional Leadership Strategies3
PCS 4112Professional Success Strategies in Applied Fields2
Technical Credit (transferred from community college)45
Total Hours to Graduate120