Department of Teacher Education and Leadership
Interim Department Head: Dr. Kenneth Anthony
The Department of Teacher Education and Leadership at Mississippi State University is a collaborative community of scholars and educators. We are committed to the belief that education is the primary vehicle for equity and justice in the state of Mississippi and beyond. In keeping with the land grant and research-extensive mission of Mississippi State University, and in support of the mission of the College of Education, the Department of Teacher Education and Leadership is committed to academic excellence, intellectual rigor, and lifelong learning. It is our mission to contribute to teaching and learning P-12 and beyond through teaching and learning, research and inquiry, and service and outreach. Faculty and staff in the department of Teacher Education and Leadership believe that accomplished educators possess in-depth knowledge of content and teaching practices, including discipline-specific practices, that allow them to create engaging, relevant experiences for all students. The goal of the department is to meet the needs of all students through the preparation of effective, responsive scholars and practitioners who use theory, research, and a wide variety of tools, including technology, to enhance their work in a global, diverse, and changing society. The measure of our success is improved outcomes for diverse students, P-12 and beyond.
Undergraduate degree programs in the department of Teacher Education and Leadership prepare teacher candidates for positions as teachers in classrooms from pre-K through twelfth grade. These programs include coursework and experiences that focus on subject matter knowledge, foundations of education, instruction and assessment, practice and reflection, and field experiences in diverse classrooms. Persons interested in degrees offered by the department are advised to obtain a copy of advising worksheets, available at our website,
Elementary Education Major (ELED)
All elementary education majors receive certification to teach at the elementary preK-3 or K-6 grade levels with the selection of endorsement in either early childhood or middle school content areas. The first two years of the degree program focus on developing subject matter knowledge in mathematics, English language arts, science, and social sciences. The junior year includes two mini-blocks of courses: one that emphasizes teaching at the early childhood levels (pre-K–3rd grade), and one that emphasizes teaching at the middle school levels (4th-8th grades). The senior year includes the senior methods block – four co-requisite courses with extensive field experiences that prepare graduates for the teaching of subject matter. The Elementary Education curriculum culminates in the teaching internship, a semester-long field experience in public schools. All coursework must be completed with a "C" or higher. Students must choose either a middle school concentration or an early childhood concentration. The middle school concentration leads to K-6 general certification with 4th-8th grade subject area certification. The early childhood concentration leads to pre-K-3 general certification with N-1 (nursery-1st grade) early childhood certification. Some students may wish to enroll in additional coursework to obtain licensure in elementary, special education, reading, or other areas. See an advisor for more information.
The B.S. in Elementary Education with either a concentration in Early Childhood or Middle School requires a "C" or higher in all coursework.
Secondary Education Major (SEED)
The purpose of the Secondary Education major is to prepare students to teach the academic subjects in grades 7-12 by providing professional courses and experiences for those desiring to teach at the middle and high school levels. The Secondary Education program is designed to lead teacher candidates to 7-12 licensure in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Social Studies. Degree programs include pedagogy courses that require field experiences in middle and high schools, as well as opportunities to master content area pedagogy. The secondary education degree culminates in a semester-long student teaching internship in a middle or high school classroom.
Special Education Major (EXED)
The program in Special Education is designed to prepare teachers to teach children and youth with learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and other areas of exceptionality. The curriculum in special education is designed to meet the requirements for the endorsements in the areas of specialization. The degree program includes extensive field experiences working in schools and classrooms. Courses in the degree program provide students with methods for teaching early childhood, elementary, and secondary students with special needs. The degree program culminates in a semester-long teaching internship in a K-12 setting.
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT-S and MAT-X)
Individuals who have already earned a bachelor’s degree in another discipline and are eligible for graduate studies can obtain initial teaching licensure and the Master’s degree by completing the Master of Arts in Teaching program. The MAT-Secondary degree prepares teachers of content areas for secondary classrooms in a variety of content areas. The MAT-Special Education prepares teachers for self-contained and inclusion K-12 classrooms. Both MAT programs are offered online and include courses in pedagogy, assessment, classroom management, and internship courses completed after the student is hired as a classroom teacher.
Graduate Programs in Teacher Education and Leadership
The department offers Master’s and Educational Specialist degree programs in Elementary, Secondary, and Special Education. These programs provide coursework and field experiences for classroom teachers and other educators wishing to improve their practice. The department also offers the PhD in Curriculum and Instruction with concentrations in elementary education, secondary education, and special education.
Elementary Education Major (ELED)
Major Advisors: Dr. Stephanie Lemley
General Education Requirements
English Composition | ||
EN 1103 | English Composition I | 3 |
or EN 1104 | Expanded English Composition I | |
EN 1113 | English Composition II | 3 |
or EN 1173 | Accelerated Composition II | |
Creative Discovery | ||
See General Education courses | 3 | |
Humanities | ||
Choose one of the following: | 3 | |
Early U.S. History | ||
World History Before 1500 | ||
Early Western World | ||
Choose one of the following: | 3 | |
Modern U.S. History | ||
World History Since 1500 | ||
Modern Western World | ||
Social Sciences | ||
GR 1123 | Introduction to World Geography | 3 |
PS 1113 | American Government | 3 |
or SO 1003 | Introduction to Sociology | |
or SO 1203 | Sociology of Families | |
Quantitative Reasoning | ||
MA 1313 | College Algebra | 3 |
or MA 1103 | College Algebra Linked Lab- Corequisite Model | |
MA 1413 | Structure of the Real Number System | 3 |
MA 1423 | Problem Solving with Real Numbers | 3 |
MA 1433 | Informal Geometry and Measurement | 3 |
Science | ||
See General Education courses (must be lab-based courses) | 6-8 |
Major Core
Additional Core | ||
Natural Science courses (see General Education courses) | 4-6 | |
*Students must have at least 2 lab-based sciences and need 12 hours total of science. | ||
English Literature Elective (see General Education courses) | 3 | |
EN 2503 | Teaching Grammar (or English Literature Elective - see General Education courses) | 3 |
EDE 2443 | Creative Arts for Elementary and Middle Levels | 3 |
Major Core | ||
EDE 2523 | Introduction to Elementary Education | 3 |
RDG 3113 | Early Literacy Instruction I 1 | 3 |
RDG 3123 | Early Literacy Instruction II 1 | 3 |
EDE 3123 | Early Childhood Education 1 | 3 |
EDX 3213 | Individualizing Instruction for Exceptional Children | 3 |
RDG 3413 | Middle Level Literacy 1 | 3 |
RDG 3223 | Diagnosing and Assessing Reading Difficulties in Children | 3 |
EDE 3523 | Foundations of Elementary & Middle Level Mathematics Education 1 | 3 |
EDE 4113 | Teaching Elementary and Middle Level Science 1 | 3 |
EDE 4123 | Teaching Elementary and Middle Level Mathematics 1 | 3 |
RDG 4133 | Integrating Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas 1 | 3 |
EDE 4143 | Teaching Elementary and Middle Level Social Studies 1 | 3 |
EDE 4153 | Assessment & Evaluation in Elementary Education | 3 |
EDE 4883 | Managing the Elementary and Middle Level Classroom 1 | 3 |
EDE 4886 | Elementary and Middle Level Teaching Internship 1 | 6 |
EDE 4896 | Elementary and Middle Level Teaching Internship | 6 |
Choose a concentration:
Early Childhood Concentration (ECHD)
Leads to K-3 general certification with N-1 (nursery - 1st grade) early childhood certification.
HDFS 2803 | Prenatal and Infant Development | 3 |
HDFS 2813 | Child Development | 3 |
HDFS 3803 | Creativity & Play in Young Children | 3 |
EDX 4113 | Methods and Materials for Early Childhood Students with Disabilities 1 | 3 |
EDX 4413 | Working with Families of Students with Disabilities | 3 |
or HDFS 4803 | Parenting | |
Total Hours | 123 |
Students choosing the Early Childhood Education concentration may obtain K-6 certification by taking, in addition to the K-3 requirements, EDE 3223 and 3 hours of additional expanded core courses in two content areas: 3 hours of any English, 3 hours of any natural science, 3 hours of any HI, PSY, SO, AN, EC, or PS course, and/or MA 2113.
Middle School Concentration (MDSC)
Leads to K-6 general certification with 4th-8th grade subject area certification.
EDE 3223 | Middle Level Education 1 | 3 |
TECH 4763 | Digital Tools for 21st Century Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EPY 4103 | Behavior Analysis for Behavior Technicians | 3 |
3 hours of additional expanded core courses in two content areas: 3 hours of any English, 3 hours of any natural science, 3 hours of any HI, PSY, SO, AN, EC, or PS course, and/or MA 2113. | 6 | |
Total Hours | 123 |
Many courses have co-requisites. See catalog or advisor.
- 1
Requires admission to Teacher Education.
Secondary Education Major (SEED)
General Education Requirements
English Composition | ||
EN 1103 | English Composition I | 3 |
or EN 1104 | Expanded English Composition I | |
EN 1113 | English Composition II | 3 |
or EN 1173 | Accelerated Composition II | |
Creative Discovery | 3 | |
Introduction to the Theatre (ENED Concentration) | ||
All other Concentrations choose from General Education courses | ||
Humanities (vary by concentration) | 6 | |
Required by ENED & MAED Concentrations | ||
Early U.S. History | ||
Modern U.S. History | ||
All Other Concentrations | ||
Choose from General Education courses | ||
Social Sciences (vary by concentration) | 6 | |
Required by ENED Concentration | ||
General Psychology | ||
Choose from General Education courses | ||
Required by MAED & SSED Concentrations | ||
General Psychology | ||
Introduction to Sociology | ||
All Other Concentrations | ||
Choose from General Education courses | ||
Quantitative Reasoning (varies by concentration) | 3 | |
Required by ENED Concentration | ||
Math in Your World ( or higher) | ||
Required by BIED & SSED Concentrations | ||
College Algebra | ||
Required by MAED, CHED, PHED Concentrations | ||
Calculus I | ||
Natural Sciences (vary by concentration) | 7-8 | |
Required by ENED, MAED, & SSED Concentrations | ||
Biological Science with lab (see General Education courses) | ||
Physical Science with lab (see General Education courses) | ||
Required by BIED Concentration | ||
Biology I | ||
Biology II | ||
Required by CHED Concentration | ||
Chemistry I | ||
Investigations in Chemistry I | ||
Chemistry II | ||
Investigations in Chemistry II | ||
Required by PHED Concentration | ||
Chemistry I | ||
Investigations in Chemistry I | ||
Physics II | ||
Total Hours | 31-32 |
Major Core
Major Core | ||
EDF 3333 | Social Foundations of Education | 3 |
EDX 3213 | Individualizing Instruction for Exceptional Children | 3 |
RDG 3513 | Developing Reading Strategies in the Secondary School Content Areas 1 | 3 |
EPY 3143 | Human Development and Learning Strategies in Education | 3 |
EDS 3413 | Principles of Secondary Education | 3 |
EDS 4403 | Evaluation of Learning in Secondary Schools 1 | 3 |
EDS 4873 | Seminar in Managing the Secondary Classroom 1 | 3 |
EDS 4886 | Teaching Internship in Secondary Education 1 | 6 |
EDS 4896 | Teaching Internship in Secondary Education 1 | 6 |
Content Methods Courses in Concentration | ||
Total Hours | 33 |
Choose one of the following concentrations:
English Education Concentration (ENED)
Major Advisor: Missy Hopper; Office: 310 Allen Hall
The curriculum in English Language Arts is offered to prepare students to teach English Language Arts in high schools and middle schools and has been designed based on the Standards of the National Council of Teachers of English. A minimum of 42 hours in English beyond freshman composition is required.
TECH 4763 | Digital Tools for 21st Century Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EN 2213 | English Literature Before 1800 | 3 |
EN 2223 | English Literature After 1800 | 3 |
EN 2243 | American Literature Before 1865 | 3 |
EN 2253 | American Literature After 1865 | 3 |
EN 2273 | World Literature Before 1600 | 3 |
or EN 2283 | World Literature After 1600 | |
EN 2434 | Literature and Film | 3-4 |
or EN 3523 | Shakespeare and Film | |
EN 3414 | Critical Writing and Research in Literary Studies | 4 |
EN 3423 | Descriptive English Grammar | 3 |
EN 4503 | Shakespeare | 3 |
or EN 4513 | Shakespeare | |
EN 4413 | History of the English Language | 3 |
or EN 4403 | Introduction to Linguistics | |
or EN 4633 | Language and Society | |
EN 4323 | Literary Criticism from Plato-Present | 3 |
or EN 4353 | Critical Theory Since 1900 | |
EN Electives - 3000/4000 level | 12 | |
Content Methods Courses | ||
EDE 3343 | Teaching Adolescent Literature | 3 |
EDS 3673 | Secondary Language Arts Education | 3 |
EDS 4673 | Methods of Teaching Language Arts | 3 |
Total ENED Concentration Hours | ||
Total Hours | 58-59 |
- 1
Requires admission to Teacher Education.
Mathematics Education Concentration (MAED)
Major Advisor: Dr. Liza Bondurant
This curriculum is offered for the education of prospective teachers of mathematics in grades 7-12. The degree program has been designed based on standards developed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. A minimum of 36 semester hours of mathematics is required.
Additional Core | ||
MA 1723 | Calculus II | 3 |
Choose from the following: | 3-4 | |
Chemistry I and Investigations in Chemistry I | ||
Chemistry II and Investigations in Chemistry II | ||
Physics I | ||
Physics II | ||
PS 1113 | American Government | 3 |
EN Literature Electives (see General Education) | 6 | |
Oral Communication Requirement | ||
CO 1003 | Fundamentals of Public Speaking | 3 |
Computer Literacy Requirement | ||
Choose one of the following: | 3 | |
Computer Programming with C | ||
Computer Programming with Java | ||
MA 2733 | Calculus III | 3 |
MA 2743 | Calculus IV | 3 |
MA 3053 | Foundations of Mathematics | 3 |
MA/ST 3123 | Introduction to Statistical Inference | 3 |
MA 3113 | Introduction to Linear Algebra | 3 |
MA 3163 | Introduction to Modern Algebra | 3 |
MA 3253 | Differential Equations I | 3 |
MA 3463 | Foundations of Geometry | 3 |
MA 3513 | History of Mathematics | 3 |
MA 4523 | Introduction to Probability | 3 |
Content Methods Courses | 6 | |
Secondary Mathematics Education 1 | ||
Methods of Teaching Mathematics 1 | ||
Total MAED Concentration Hours | ||
Total Hours | 57-58 |
- 1
Requires admission to Teacher Education.
Biology Education Concentration (BIED)
Major Advisor: Dr. Lacey Fitts
The Biology Education Curriculum is designed in accordance with the recommendations of the National Science Teachers Association and the National Science Education Standards for prospective teachers at the secondary level (grades 7-12).
ST 3123 | Introduction to Statistical Inference | 3 |
Concentration Courses | ||
Choose 57 hours of approved coursework within concentration area. Must include the required subject area core. 2 | 57 | |
Required Subject area core (32 hrs) | ||
Cell Biology | ||
Genetics I | ||
Ecology | ||
General Microbiology | ||
Evolution | ||
Principles of Biochemistry | ||
Chemistry I | ||
Investigations in Chemistry I | ||
Science and/or Math Electives approved by advisor that result in a double major or an additional are of licensure (25 hrs) | ||
Content Methods Courses | ||
Secondary Science Education 1 | ||
Methods of Teaching Science 1 | ||
Total BIED Concentration Hours | ||
Total Hours | 60 |
- 1
Requires Admission to Teacher Education.
- 2
At least 21 hours of BIO courses must be 3000-4000 level.
Chemistry Education Concentration (CHED)
Major Advisor: Dr. Lacey Fitts
The Chemistry Education Curriculum is designed in accordance with the recommendations of the National Science Teachers Association and the Next Generation Science Standards for prospective teachers at the secondary level (grades 7-12).
ST 3123 | Introduction to Statistical Inference | 3 |
Concentration Courses | ||
Choose 57 hours of approved coursework within concentration area. Must include the required subject area core. | 57 | |
Required subject area core (26 hours) | ||
Inorganic Chemistry | ||
or CH 4213 | Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I | |
Analytical Chemistry I | ||
Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory | ||
Organic Chemistry Laboratory I | ||
Organic Chemistry I | ||
Organic Chemistry II | ||
Organic Chemistry Laboratory II | ||
Principles of Biochemistry | ||
Science and/or Math Electives approved by advisor that result in a double major or an additional area of licensure (28 hours) | ||
Content Methods Courses | ||
Secondary Science Education 1 | ||
Methods of Teaching Science 1 | ||
Total CHED Concentration Hours | ||
Total Hours | 60 |
- 1
Requires admission to teacher education.
Physics Education Concentration (PHED)
Major Advisor: Dr. Lacey Fitts
The Physics Education Curriculum is designed in accordance with the recommendations of the National Science Teachers Association and the National Science Education Standards for prospective teachers at the secondary level (grades 7-12).
ST 3123 | Introduction to Statistical Inference | 3 |
Concentration Courses | ||
Choose 50 hours of approved coursework within concentration area. Must include the required subject area core * | 50 | |
Required Subject area core (21 hours) * | ||
Descriptive Astronomy | ||
Physics I | ||
Physics III | ||
Intermediate Mechanics I | ||
Intermediate Laboratory | ||
Calculus II | ||
Calculus III | ||
or MA 3113 | Introduction to Linear Algebra | |
Science and/or Math Electives approved by advisor that result in a double major or an additional area of licensure (29 hours) | ||
Content Methods Courses | 6 | |
Secondary Science Education 1 | ||
Methods of Teaching Science 1 | ||
Total PHED Concentration Hours | ||
Total Hours | 59 |
- *
Required subject area core includes CH 1213/1211 and PH 2223 listed in General Education.
- 1
Requires admission to teacher education.
Social Studies Education Concentration (SSED)
Major Advisor: Paul Binford; Office: 310 Allen Hall
The Social Studies Education curriculum is designed based on standards developed by the National Council for the Social Studies. With a minimum of 54 hours required in history and the social sciences, the program of study provides a broad-based preparation for prospective social studies teachers of grades 7-12.
Any Math above MA 1313 | 3 | |
Math/Science Elective | ||
Approved Science (no lab) or Math | 3 | |
Content Area with Courses Required | ||
EC 2113 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
EC 2123 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
GR 1113 & GR 1111 | Physical Geography and Physical Geography Laboratory | 3 |
GR 1123 | Introduction to World Geography | 3 |
HI 1063 | Early U.S. History | 3 |
HI 1073 | Modern U.S. History | 3 |
HI 1163 | World History Before 1500 | 3 |
HI 1173 | World History Since 1500 | 3 |
HI 3333 | Mississippi History | 3 |
HI 4403 | The Ancient Near East | 3 |
or HI 4903 | The Far East | |
PS 1113 | American Government | 3 |
PS 1513 | Comparative Government | 3 |
or PS 1313 | Introduction to International Relations | |
or PS 2703 | Introduction to Public Policy | |
3000 or 4000 level history elective | 3 | |
3000 or 4000 level HI/PS/EC/GR elective | 3 | |
3000 or 4000 level HI/PS/EC/GR elective | 3 | |
3000 or 4000 level HI/PS/EC/GR/PSY/SO elective | 3 | |
Oral Communication Requirement | ||
CO 1003 | Fundamentals of Public Speaking | 3 |
Computer Literacy Requirement | ||
BIS 1012 | Introduction to Business Information Systems | 2-3 |
or TECH 1273 | Computer Applications | |
Content Methods Courses | ||
Secondary Social Studies Education 1 | ||
Methods of Teaching Social Studies 1 | ||
Total SSED Concentration Hours | ||
Total Hours | 59-60 |
- 1
Admission to Teacher Education required
Special Education Major (EXED)
Major Advisors: Dr. Kellie Fondren
General Education Requirements
English Composition | ||
EN 1103 | English Composition I | 3 |
or EN 1104 | Expanded English Composition I | |
EN 1113 | English Composition II | 3 |
or EN 1173 | Accelerated Composition II | |
Creative Discovery | ||
Any core fine arts | 3 | |
Humanities | ||
Any core humanities | 6 | |
Social & Behavioral Sciences | ||
Any core social science | 6 | |
Quantitative Reasoning | ||
MA 1313 | College Algebra (or higher; C or better) | 3 |
Math above MA 1313 | 3 | |
Natural Sciences | ||
Natural Science w/lab (see General Education courses) | 3-4 | |
Natural Science w/lab (see General Education courses) | 3-4 | |
Math or Science elective | 3 |
Major Core
Professional Core | ||
EPY 2513 | Human Growth and Development | 3 |
EDX 3203 | Introduction to Learning Disabilities | 3 |
EDX 3213 | Individualizing Instruction for Exceptional Children | 3 |
EDX 3223 | Introduction to Emotional/Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
EDX 3233 | Contingency Management | 3 |
EDX 3253 | Evaluating Learning in Special Education | 3 |
EDX 4103 | Introduction to Teaching Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities | 3 |
EDX 4113 | Methods and Materials for Early Childhood Students with Disabilities 1 | 3 |
EDX 4123 | Methods and Materials for Elementary Students with Disabilities 1 | 3 |
EDX 4133 | Methods and Materials for Secondary Students with Disabilities 1 | 3 |
EDX 4243 | Planning for Diversity of Learners in Special Education | 3 |
EDX 4353 | Assistive Technology in Special Education | 3 |
EDX 4413 | Working with Families of Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDX 4873 | Professional Seminar in Special Education | 3 |
EDX 4886 | Teaching Internship in Special Education 1 | 6 |
EDX 4896 | Teaching Internship in Special Education 1 | 6 |
RDG 3113 | Early Literacy Instruction I 1 | 3 |
RDG 3123 | Early Literacy Instruction II 1 | 3 |
TECH 4763 | Digital Tools for 21st Century Teaching and Learning | 3 |
Collateral Core Electives | 21-24 | |
Literacy Electives 1 | 6 | |
Oral Communication Requirement | ||
EDX 4353 | Assistive Technology in Special Education | 3 |
EDX 4413 | Working with Families of Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDX 4133 | Methods and Materials for Secondary Students with Disabilities | 3 |
Computer Literacy Requirement | ||
EDX 4353 | Assistive Technology in Special Education | 3 |
EDX 4413 | Working with Families of Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDX 4133 | Methods and Materials for Secondary Students with Disabilities | 3 |
Writing Requirement | ||
EDX 4353 | Assistive Technology in Special Education | 3 |
EDX 4413 | Working with Families of Students with Disabilities | 3 |
EDX 4133 | Methods and Materials for Secondary Students with Disabilities | 3 |
Total Hours | 123 |
- 1
Requires admission to Teacher Education.
- 2
A math course higher than MA 1313 must be completed.
Elementary Education Courses
EDE 2443 Creative Arts for Elementary and Middle Levels: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or higher in Elementary Education). Three hours lecture. An exploration of integrating Literature and the arts (music, dance, drama, and visual arts) across content areas in elementary and middle level classrooms
EDE 2523 Introduction to Elementary Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher in Elementary Education). Three hours lecture. Introduction to the elementary education profession. Topics include what it means to be an elementary teacher, professional dispositions, terminology used in the profession, and general best practices for the elementary classroom
EDE 2990 Special Topics in Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
EDE 3123 Early Childhood Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education. Co-requisite: RDG 3113 and RDG 3123). Three hours lecture. Overview of early childhood education. Understanding young learners and creating learning environments. Assessing young children. Field experience
EDE 3223 Middle Level Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education; C or better in EDE 2443, 2523, 3123; RDG 3113, 3123; Co-requisite: RDG 3413, 3223). Three hours lecture. Understanding the learning needs of young adolescents (grades 4-8); study of appropriate teaching strategies, engaging learning environments, and assessment for young adolescents
EDE 3233 Teaching Children's Literature at the Elementary and Middle Levels: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Teaching children's literature at the elementary and middle levels. Introduction, selection, presentation and utilization of a variety of children's literature
EDE 3343 Teaching Adolescent Literature: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. A study of the types of literature read by older children and adolescents with emphasis upon the criteria for the choice of good books and knowledge of available books and teaching materials
EDE 3523 Foundations of Elementary & Middle Level Mathematics Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education; C or better in EDE 2443, 2523, 3123; RDG 3113, 3123; Corequisite: RDG 3413, 3223). Three hours lecture. Field based. The theoretical pedagogical foundations and current issues and perspectives of teaching elementary mathematics; a framework for the teaching of mathematics content and processes
EDE 4000 Directed Individual Study in Elementary Education: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
EDE 4113 Teaching Elementary and Middle Level Science: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education; C or better in RDG: 3113,3123,3413,3223;EDE:2523,2443,3123,3223,3523; TECH 4763;EPY 4103; EDX 3213. Co-requisite: EDE:4123, 4143; RDG 4133). Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Field based. Selection, organization, and presentation of natural science content for elementary/middle school students, assessment of learning, and general effectiveness of instruction
EDE 4123 Teaching Elementary and Middle Level Mathematics: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education; C or better in RDG:3113,3123,3413,3223; EDE: 2443,2523,3123,3223,3523;TECH 4763;EPY 4103; EDX 3213. Co-requisite: EDE:4113,4143;RDG 4133). Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Field based. The content and process of mathematics instruction for elementary/middle grades students including teaching principles, mathematical tools, and assessment of student progress
EDE 4143 Teaching Elementary and Middle Level Social Studies: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education; C or better in RDG 3113,3123,3413,3223;EDE 2523,2443,3123,3223,3523;TECH 4763;EPY 4103;EDX 3213. Corequisites: EDE 4113, 4123; RDG 4133). Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Field based. Selection, organization and presentation of social studies content for K-8; assessment of learning and general effectiveness of instruction
EDE 4153 Assessment & Evaluation in Elementary Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. (Pre-Requisites: EDE 3123,3223,3523, RDG 3113,3123,3223,3413; Co-Requisites: EDE 4113, EDE 4123, EDE 4143, RDG 4133). Principles and techniques to develop, implement and interpret appropriate traditional, performance-based and standardized assessments for use in the elementary and middle grades classroom
EDE 4333 International Exploration in Education: 3 hours.
This course involves the examination of the education systems outside of the U.S., with particular attention to classrooms in the host country. (Same as EDS/EDX 4333)
EDE 4623 Elementary/Middle Level STEM Pedagogy: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. (Pre-Requisites: EDE 3523 OR both RDG 4113/6113 and EDE 4123 OR Permission of the Instructor). Methods and materials for the preparation and implementation of pedagogical tools used in providing research-based STEM experiences in grades K-6
EDE 4883 Managing the Elementary and Middle Level Classroom: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education; C or better in RDG: 3113,3123,3223,3413, 4133; EDE 2443,2523,3123,3223,3523,4113, 4123,4143; TECH 4763; EPY 4103; EDX 3213. Corequisites: EDE 4886, 4896). Three hours lecture. Developing and managing an appropriate learning environment for elementary and middle level students
EDE 4886 Elementary and Middle Level Teaching Internship: 6 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education; C or better in RDG: 3113,3123,3223,3413,4133; EDE 2443,2523,3123,3223,3523,4113,4123,4143; TECH 4763; EPY 4103; EDX 3213. Corequisites: EDE 4883, 4896). Six hours internship. A supervised observation and teaching experience in an elementary and/or middle level classroom
EDE 4896 Elementary and Middle Level Teaching Internship: 6 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education; C or better in RDG: 3113,3123,3223,3413,4133; EDE 2443,2523,3123,3223,3523,4113,4123,4143; TECH 4763; EPY 4103; EDX 3213. Corequisites: EDE 4883, 4886). Six hours internship. A supervised observation and teaching experience in an elementary and/or middle level classroom
EDE 4990 Special Topics in Elementary Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
EDE 6623 Elementary/Middle Level STEM Pedagogy: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. (Pre-Requisites: EDE 3523 OR both RDG 4113/6113 and EDE 4123 OR Permission of the Instructor). Methods and materials for the preparation and implementation of pedagogical tools used in providing research-based STEM experiences in grades K-6
EDE 6990 Special Topics in Elementary Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
EDE 7000 Directed Individual Study in Elementary Education: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
EDE 8113 Planning and Management for Elementary and Special Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Provides a greater understanding of elementary learners and children with exceptionalities who may be in the regular classroom and suggests methods and techniques for planning instruction and managing the elementary classroom
EDE 8123 Foundations for Teaching Middle Level Mathematics: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. The theoretical and pedagogical foundations, issues and perspectives of teaching middle level mathematics; a standards-based framework for relevant teaching of number and operations
EDE 8133 Teaching Internship in Elementary and Special Education I: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours clinical instruction. Professional full-day public school teaching experience in one 16-week placement in diverse settings and grade levels under the direction of a university supervisor
EDE 8143 Teaching Internship in Elementary and Special Education II: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours clinical instruction. Professional full-day public school teaching experience in one 16-week placement in diverse settings and grade levels under the direction of a university supervisor
EDE 8153 Professional Roles of the Middle Level Educator: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Understanding developmentally responsive middle schools and the professional roles of middle level educators; study of professional roles
EDE 8163 Teaching Middle Level Mathematics Content: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Research-based pedagogy and current issues and perspectives of teaching the content of algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis and probability in the middle level
EDE 8173 Teaching Middle Level Social Studies: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. An introduction to the history, purposes, and current issues associated with middle level social studies education. Course to include research, trends, methods, and materials
EDE 8183 Teaching Middle Level Sciences: 3 hours.
Theory, applied methods, and techniques for teaching middle level physical, life, and earth science. Content knowledge, inquiry, planning, and assessment for teaching
EDE 8313 Theory and Development of Early Childhood Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Seminar-type course in synthesis of methods and techniques applicable to elementary teaching; readings; reports; research
EDE 8423 Elementary School Methods: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture, Seminar-type course in synthesis of methods and techniques applicable of elementary teaching; readings; reports; research
EDE 8433 The Elementary School Curriculum: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Principles of curriculum construction as they apply to the elementary school program (taught spring of odd numbered years)
EDE 8443 Seminar in Elementary Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. A study of current issues in elementary education. Designed for elementary and school administration majors
EDE 8463 Readings and Research in Children's Literature: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Research involving the characteristics of quality literature for children, investigation of illustrators, illustrations, authors, and the role of children's literature in schools
EDE 8473 The Elementary Social Studies Curriculum: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Seminar-type course to include research; trends, methods; provision for individual differences; multi-level materials
EDE 8513 Curriculum and Program Developments in Early Childhood: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. The recent and most promising developments in curriculum for preschool through primary aged children
EDE 8523 Practicum: Language Arts and Literacy Development in Early Childhood Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: EDE 4133, RDG 3113, RDG 3213, or the equivalent). Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. A study of language development; the language arts curriculum for young children. Observation and participation in a preschool
EDE 8533 Behavioral Experiences in Early Childhood Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. The world of the child from preschool through early primary years with emphasis on child behavior
EDE 8543 Mathematics Experiences in Early Childhood Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: EDE 4123 or the equivalent). Three hours lecture. Materials, methods and the preparation and use of instructional media in providing mathematical experiences for young children. Observation and participation in a preschool
EDE 8623 Content Area Literacy and Disciplinary Literacy Instruction: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Theory, research, and methods for teaching elementary school students to use literacy as a tool for learning
EDE 8633 The Teaching of Writing: 3 hours.
Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Methods and materials for teaching writing in grades K-12. Formal and informal writing assessments. Writing across the curriculum
EDE 8713 Educating Young Adolescents: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Examination of issues influencing the education of young adolescents, including instructional methods, curricular models, organizational patterns, and developmentally responsive schools. Observation/participation in 4-8 settings
EDE 8733 Teaching Physical, Life, and Earth Science in the Elementary and Middle School Classroom: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Theory, applied methods, and techniques for teaching K-8 physical, life, and earth science. Content knowledge, inquiry, discovery learning, and technology of teaching
EDE 8763 Elementary and Middle Level Mathematics Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Methods and materials in the preparation and implementation of pedagogical and assessment tools to be used in providing research-based mathematics experiences in grades K-8
EDE 8893 Directed Readings in Teacher Education: 3 hours.
Intensive supervised readings in the field of teacher education. (Same as EDS 8643)
EDE 8990 Special Topics in Elementary Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
EDE 9000 Research in Elementary Education: 1-13 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
EDE 9221 Professional Practice in Teacher Education: 1 hour.
One hour lecture. Students will examine potential careers for graduates with a doctorate in education and develop professional documents pertinent to their career paths. (Same as EDS 9221 and EDX 9221)
EDE 9413 Practicum in College Teaching: 3 hours.
Three hours practicum. Teaching of at least one course in education, under the supervision of a senior staff member. (Same as EDS 9413)
Readings in Education Courses
RDG 2990 Special Topics in Reading Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
RDG 3113 Early Literacy Instruction I: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Co-requisite: RDG 3123 and EDE 3123). Three hours lecture. Field experience. Foundational knowledge of the English linguistic system. Methods/materials for teaching systematically the oral/ written language connection, concepts about print, phonological/orthographic awareness, phonics principles
RDG 3123 Early Literacy Instruction II: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Co-requisite: RDG 3113 and EDE 3123). Three hours lecture. Field experience. Concepts, materials, and teaching strategies for oral language development and early systematic reading and writing instruction specific to vocabulary, fluency and comprehension
RDG 3223 Diagnosing and Assessing Reading Difficulties in Children: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education; C or better in EDE 2443, 2523, 3123; RDG 3113,3123; Co-Requisites: EDE 3523, RDG 3413). Three hours lecture. The selection, utilization, and interpretation of instruments used to diagnose and assess reading difficulties in children, K-6, and outline remedial procedures
RDG 3413 Middle Level Literacy: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education; C or better in EDE 2443, 2523, 3123; RDG 3113, 3123; Corequisite: RDG 3223, EDE 3523). Three hours lecture. Field experience. Literacy teaching and learning for upper elementary and middle school. Emphasis on literacy instruction, strategy instruction, and assessment at the middle grades
RDG 3423 Middle Level Literacy II: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite:RDG 3113 and RDG 3123:Corequisite: RDG 3413 and EDE 3223). Three hours lecture. Field experience. Instructional strategies and materials for teaching literacy in the elementary and middle school. Focus on writing, comprehension and teaching diverse students
RDG 3513 Developing Reading Strategies in the Secondary School Content Areas: 3 hours.
(Pre-requisite: Admission to Teacher Education) Basic theories and techniques needed by content area teachers for teaching reading to secondary school students
RDG 4000 Directed Individual Study in Reading Education: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
RDG 4133 Integrating Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas: 3 hours.
(Pre-Requisites: Admission to Teacher Education; C or Better in EDE 2523,2443,3123,3223,3523,3113; RDG 3123,3413,3223; Co-Requisites: EDE 4113,4123,4143,4153). Two hours lecture. Two hours lab. Field based. Selection, organization, teaching, and assessment for integrating literacy across content areas - K-6; general effectiveness
RDG 4990 Special Topics in Reading Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
RDG 6113 Middle Level Literacy Development and Instruction: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: RDG 3113). Three hours lecture. Advanced Theory and applied methods, techniques, and analyses of literacy strategies for the middle years learner (ages 9-14)
RDG 6123 Elementary Literacy Instruction I: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Foundational knowledge of the English linguistic system applied to explicit, systematic instruction for print concepts, phonological awareness, word recognition, and spelling from early childhood through upper elementary grades
RDG 6133 Integrating Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Theory, research, and methods for teaching elementary students to use literacy as a tool for learning in the content areas
RDG 6143 Elementary Literacy Instruction II: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Concepts, materials, and teaching strategies for oral language development, academic vocabulary, reading fluency, reading comprehension, and writing
RDG 6223 Diagnosing and Assessing Reading Difficulties in Children: 3 hours.
(Pre-Requisites: RDG 6113 and RDG 6123). Three hours lecture. Diagnosing and assessing reading difficulties in grades K-6 through identification, usage, and interpretation of various instruments and remedial procedures
RDG 6990 Special Topics in Reading Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
RDG 7000 Directed Individual Study in Reading Education: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
RDG 8133 Middle Level Content Area Literacy Instruction: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Theory, research, and methods for teaching middle level students to use literacy as a tool for learning in the content areas
RDG 8153 Psychology of Reading: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Analysis of reading patterns; conditions favorable and unfavorable to progress in reading skill; the readiness concept; problems of levels. Prevention and correction of reading handicaps
RDG 8453 Research in Reading: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. The function of research in the development of reading programs; contribution of research to reading
RDG 8593 Issues and Innovations in Reading: 3 hours.
Issues and innovations related to trends, methodology, and materials in the teaching of reading
RDG 8653 Teaching Reading in the Secondary Schools: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. A study of reading problems of middle and upper level students. A study of technology, materials, and methods used in developmental reading for secondary students
RDG 8713 Teaching Struggling Readers and Writers: 3 hours.
Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Practicum experience teaching struggling elementary school literacy learners;identifying literacy learning strengths and difficulties;teaching to improve achievement
RDG 8723 Seminar in Literacy Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Evaluation of the theories and models of literacy and pivotal moments in literacy. Evaluation of research in literacy education and acquisition of academic literacies that are frequently used to share scholarly literacy information
RDG 8990 Special Topics in Reading Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
RDG 9000 Research in Elementary Education: 1-13 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
Secondary Education Courses
EDS 2990 Special Topics in Secondary Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
EDS 3413 Principles of Secondary Education: 3 hours.
Two hours lecture. One hour lab. Overview of secondary education including fundamentals of planning for learning of all students, theories of learning at the secondary level, and policies and practices in secondary settings
EDS 3633 Secondary Mathematics Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours lecture. Examine the concepts and tools used to teach mathematics in the secondary classroom, connections between algebra and geometry concepts, and national and state mathematics standards
EDS 3643 Secondary Social Studies Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education). Three hours lecture. An introduction to the history, purposes, and current issues associated with middle and secondary social studies education
EDS 3653 Secondary Science Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours lecture. Fundamentals of science education including the National Science Education Standards and NSTA recommendations required for teaching science in grades 7-12
EDS 3673 Secondary Language Arts Education: 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education or Consent of Instructor). Three hours lecture. Field based. Essential knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the successful teaching of the language arts
EDS 4000 Directed Individual Study in Secondary Education: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
EDS 4333 International Exploration in Education: 3 hours.
This course involves the examination of the education systems outside of the U.S., with particular attention to classrooms in the host country. (Same as EDE/EDX 4333)
EDS 4403 Evaluation of Learning in Secondary Schools: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education; Co-requisites: EDS 4886 and EDS 4896). Three hours lecture. A study of critical assessment practices in secondary education through the use of data to inform instruction. Particular attention will be given to discipline specific pedagogy for evaluation of student learning in secondary classrooms
EDS 4503 Issues, History and Rationale of Science Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Secondary education major or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Foundational course for science educators with focusing on issues, history and research basis for science education. Course content is based on the rationale that science educators are expected to couple science content knowledge with strong teaching skills
EDS 4513 Informal Science Instruction: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Secondary education major or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Students gain insight into teaching science in non-formal learning environments. This will include application of research based effective instructional methods, strategies for curriculum development and the assessment strategies to measure impact outside of the traditional classroom
EDS 4523 Teaching Scientific Inquiry: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Secondary education major or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Students gain insight into pedagogical strategies for teaching the process of scientific inquiry. This will include application of research supported best practices for implementing science fair, citizen science, project and problem-based learning
EDS 4533 Teaching Science with Virtual Reality: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Secondary education major or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Students gain insight into pedagogical strategies for implementing virtual reality programing into a secondary science classroom. This will include instructional techniques to support student learning for both traditional and distance learning environments
EDS 4633 Methods of Teaching Mathematics: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education, EDS 3633). Three hours lecture. Field based. Aims and purposes of teaching mathematics in high school, curriculum problems, organization and presentation of subject matter, methods of teaching and evaluation
EDS 4643 Methods of Teaching Social Studies: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education, EDS 3643). Three hours lecture. An examination of teaching methods and instructional materials and media appropriate for use in middle schools and secondary social studies classrooms
EDS 4653 Methods of Teaching Science: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education, EDS 3653) Three hours lecture. Field based. Students will gain insight into the methods of teaching science in grades 7-12, including selection, organization, presentation and assessment required by NSES
EDS 4673 Methods of Teaching Language Arts: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education, EDS 3673). Three hours lecture. Field based. Objectives in English/Language Arts; content, organization, methods of teaching language, literature, and composition. Primarily for secondary teachers of language arts
EDS 4873 Seminar in Managing the Secondary Classroom: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours lecture. A seminar that addresses classroom management issues, theories, and practices
EDS 4886 Teaching Internship in Secondary Education: 6 hours.
(Prerequisite:Admission to Teacher Education,minimun grade point average of 2.5 overall and in major, and completion of all professional education courses with a grade of C or better). Supervised observation and directed teaching in respective field of endorsement
EDS 4896 Teaching Internship in Secondary Education: 6 hours.
(Prerequisites:Admission to Teacher Education, minimum grade point average of 2.5 overall and in major, and completion of all professional education courses with grade of C or better ). Supervised observation and directed teaching in respective field of endorsement
EDS 4990 Special Topics in Secondary Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
EDS 6403 Evaluation in Learning in Secondary Schools: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours lecture. A study of critical assessment practices in secondary education through the use of data to inform instruction. Particular attention will be given to discipline specific pedagogy for evaluation of student learning in secondary classrooms
EDS 6503 Issues, History and Rationale of Science Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Secondary education major or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Foundational course for science educators with focusing on issues, history and research basis for science education. Course content is based on the rationale that science educators are expected to couple science content knowledge with strong teaching skills
EDS 6513 Informal Science Instruction: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Secondary education major or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Students gain insight into teaching science in non-formal learning environments. This will include application of research based effective instructional methods, strategies for curriculum development and the assessment strategies to measure impact outside of the traditional classroom
EDS 6523 Teaching Scientific Inquiry: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Secondary education major or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Students gain insight into pedagogical strategies for teaching the process of scientific inquiry. This will include application of research supported best practices for implementing science fair, citizen science, project and problem-based learning
EDS 6533 Teaching Science with Virtual Reality: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Secondary education major or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Students gain insight into pedagogical strategies for implementing virtual reality programing into a secondary science classroom. This will include instructional techniques to support student learning for both traditional and distance learning environments
EDS 6633 Mathematics Education Pedagogy: 3 hours.
(Co-requisite: EDS 8886 or EDS 8896 or consent of instructor.) Three hours lecture. Field-based. A comprehensive examination of the effective practices for teaching and evaluating mathematics students in the secondary setting
EDS 6643 Social Studies Education Pedagogy: 3 hours.
(Co-requisite: EDS 8883 or EDS 8893 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Field-based. A comprehensive examination of the effective practices for teaching and evaluating social studies in secondary education
EDS 6653 Science Education Pedagogy: 3 hours.
(Co-requisite: EDS 8883 or EDS 8893 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Field-based. A comprehensive examination of the effective practices for teaching and evaluating science for middle and secondary students
EDS 6673 Language Arts Education Pedagogy: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. (Co-requisite: EDS 8883 or EDS 8893 or consent of instructor). Field-based. A comprehensive examination of the effective practices for teaching and evaluating English/Language Arts students in secondary education
EDS 6990 Special Topics in Secondary Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
EDS 7000 Directed Individual Study in Secondary Education: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
EDS 8103 Advanced Methodologies in Middle and Secondary Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Advanced study of pedagogical methods and teaching practices
EDS 8113 Classroom Management in Secondary Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to MAT-S). An exploration of the essential considerations for establishing a safe, effective, and efficient classroom environment for diverse populations of secondary students
EDS 8153 Professional Roles of the Secondary Educator: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to MAT-S. Co-requisite: EDS 8886 Secondary Internship I or consent of instructor). An exploration of the professional roles and effective practices of secondary educators
EDS 8243 Advanced Planning and Managing of Learning: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. An advanced study of variables contributing to efficiency and competency in planning for teacher-learner activities and the creation and maintenance of positive learning environments
EDS 8613 Middle and Secondary School Curriculum: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Principles of curriculum construction as they apply to the middle and secondary schools for the various subject areas
EDS 8623 Principles of Effective Instruction in Secondary Schools: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. An examination of the theories, trends, best practices, issues, challenges, and complexitites pertinent to teaching and learning in secondary schools
EDS 8633 Problems of Secondary Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Master's degree or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Study of critical problems in secondary education
EDS 8643 Directed Reading in Teacher Education: 3 hours.
Intensive supervised readings in the field of teacher education. (Same as EDE 8893)
EDS 8653 Issues of Accountability in Schools: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite:EPY 3253 or EPY 6313 or permission of instructor).Three hours lecture. Study of critical educational issues in school-based accountability. Particular attention will be given to the impact accountability has on student learning in the classroom
EDS 8663 Improving Instruction in Secondary Schools: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Field based. An exploration of classroom-based inquiry, exploration, and action research as means of improving teaching and learning in secondary schools
EDS 8683 Dispositions and Reflective Practice in Teaching: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite:EDS 8623 or permission of instructor). Three hours lecture. Study of teaching behavior and reflective practices as catalysts for instructional improvement
EDS 8693 Advanced Foreign Language Pedagogy: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Field-based. Advanced examination of effective practices for teaching and evaluating foreign language students. Same as FL 8693
EDS 8713 Curriculum Adjustments: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Adjusting the school curriculum to meet individual pupil differences
EDS 8883 Secondary Internship I: 3 hours.
Three hours clinical instruction. (Prerequisites: Admission to MAT-S, EDS 8113, and EPY 8473. Co-requisite: EDS 8153.) Professional and supervised full-day public school teaching experience for 8 weeks (320 hours) in respective field of endorsement
EDS 8886 Dimensions of Learning I: 6 hours.
(Prerequisites: Admission to MATS Program, EDS 8243, EPY 6313 or EDS 6403). Six hours clinical instruction. Supervised observation and directed teaching in respective field of endorsement
EDS 8893 Secondary Internship II.: 3 hours.
Three hours clinical instruction. (Prerequisites: Admission to MAT-S and EDS 8883). Professional and supervised full-day public-school directed teaching experience for 8 weeks (320 hours) in respective field of endorsement
EDS 8896 Dimensions of Learning II: 6 hours.
(Prerequisites:Admissions to MATS Program,EDS 8243,EPY 6313, and EDS 6633 or EDS 6643 or EDS 6653 or EDS 6673 or other related methods course ). Six hours clinical instruction. Supervised observation and directed teaching in respective field of endorsement
EDS 8990 Special Topics in Secondary Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
EDS 9000 Research in Secondary Education: 1-13 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
EDS 9221 Professional Practice in Teacher Education: 1 hour.
One hour lecture. Students will examine potential careers for graduates with a doctorate in education and develop professional documents pertinent to their career paths. (Same as EDE 9221 and EDX 9221)
EDS 9413 Practicum in College Teaching: 3 hours.
Three hours practicum. Teaching of at least one course in education, under the supervision of a senior staff member. (Same as EDE 9413)
Special Education Courses
EDX 2990 Special Topics in Special Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
EDX 3203 Introduction to Learning Disabilities: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Integrities for learning; receptive, associative, and expressive disorders; specific learning disabilities
EDX 3213 Individualizing Instruction for Exceptional Children: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Introduction to differentiating and individualizing instruction for students with mild/moderate disabilities
EDX 3223 Introduction to Emotional/Behavioral Disorders: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Understanding children with emotional/behavioral disorders. Overview of the theoretical approaches to their education
EDX 3233 Contingency Management: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. A study of the components of contingency management with emphasis on application in the field with exceptional children
EDX 3253 Evaluating Learning in Special Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Phase II; co-requisite: EDX 4123, EDX 4133, & EDX 4243). Three hours of lecture and laboratory work including assessment and individualized programming utilizing methods and materials for teaching and assessing secondary school age students with mild or moderate disabilities
EDX 4000 Directed Individual Study in Special Education: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
EDX 4103 Introduction to Teaching Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: EDX 3213 or permission from the instructor). Three hours lecture. Introduction to special education challenges for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities including challenges of providing full educational inclusion and community integration from ages 6-21
EDX 4113 Methods and Materials for Early Childhood Students with Disabilities: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours lecture. Field based. Assessment and individualized programming utilizing methods and materials for preschool and primary level children with disabilities
EDX 4123 Methods and Materials for Elementary Students with Disabilities: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours lecture. Field based. Assessment and individualized programming utilizing methods and materials for elementary age children with disabilities
EDX 4133 Methods and Materials for Secondary Students with Disabilities: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours lecture. Field based. Assessment and individualized programming utilizing methods and materials for secondary age children with disabilities
EDX 4243 Planning for Diversity of Learners in Special Education: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Special Education major). Three hours lecture. Study of variables contributing to the creation and management of a positive learning environment for the complexity and diversity of students in special education. Planning for special education with focus on curriculum and instruction
EDX 4333 International Exploration in Education: 3 hours.
This course involves the examination of the education systems outside of the U.S., with particular attention to classrooms in the host country. (Same as EDE/EDS 4333)
EDX 4353 Assistive Technology in Special Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Application of assistive technology in the education of students with special needs
EDX 4413 Working with Families of Students with Disabilities: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. A study of the development, goals, and objectives of family groups. A study of problems of families who have children with disabilities
EDX 4423 Teaching the Disadvantaged Child: 3 hours.
The study of the disadvantaged child in terms of theories, concepts, cultures, and techniques of teaching and exploration of curricular innovations
EDX 4503 Teaching Students with Severe Disabilities: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. A survey of operational models and techniques to be implemented with students who have severe disabilities to include curriculum, methods and administrative educational adjustments
EDX 4603 Students with Physical/Multiple Disabilities: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Educational implications and adaptations of procedures in schools, homes, hospitals and special schools for students with orthopedic and/or neurological impairments
EDX 4613 Teaching Students with Physical/Multiple Disabilities: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours lecture. Methods and materials applicable to teaching students with physical or multiple conditions which are the results of neurological or orthopedic impairments
EDX 4623 Adaptations for Students with Physical/Multiple Disabilities.: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. The study of motor functions including range of motion, gait training, and other environmental adjustments that can be implemented by classroom teachers
EDX 4873 Professional Seminar in Special Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. A seminar dealing with legal, professional, administrative, and curriculum issues as they relate to special education in the schools
EDX 4886 Teaching Internship in Special Education: 6 hours.
(Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education, minimum GPA 2.5 overall and in major, and completion of all professional education courses with a C or better.) Professional full-day public school teaching experience in two consecutive 8-week placements in diverse settings and grade levels under direction of supervising teachers and university supervisor
EDX 4896 Teaching Internship in Special Education: 6 hours.
(Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education, minimum GPA 2.5 overall and in major, and completion of all professional education courses with C or better.) Professional full-day public school teaching experience in two consecutive 8-week placements in diverse settings and grade levels under direction of supervising teachers and university supervisor
EDX 4953 Introduction to Sign Language: 3 hours.
Development of basic sign language skills, study of special needs of deaf persons, and understanding use of interpreters. (Same as CO 4953/6953)
EDX 4990 Special Topics in Special Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
EDX 6103 Introduction to Teaching Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: EDX 3213 or permission from the instructor). Three hours lecture. Introduction to special education challenges for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities including challenges of providing full educational inclusion and community integration from ages 6-21
EDX 6113 Methods and Materials for Early Childhood Students with Disabilities: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours lecture. Field based. Assessment and individualized programming utilizing methods and materials for preschool and primary level children with disabilities
EDX 6123 Methods and Materials for Elementary Students with Disabilities: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours lecture. Field based. Assessment and individualized programming utilizing methods and materials for elementary age children with disabilities
EDX 6133 Methods and Materials for Secondary Students with Disabilities: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours lecture. Field based. Assessment and individualized programming utilizing methods and materials for secondary age children with disabilities
EDX 6173 Introduction to Contingency Management: 3 hours.
Three hour lecture. Introduction to the principles and procedures of contingency management and applied behavioral analysis for teaching individuals with disabilities
EDX 6193 Advanced Planning in Special Education: 3 hours.
Provides a greater understanding of planning and managing in special education. Suggests methods and techniques to be used in teaching students with disabilities
EDX 6353 Assistive Technology in Special Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Application of assistive technology in the education of students with special needs
EDX 6413 Working with Families of Students with Disabilities: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. A study of the development, goals, and objectives of family groups. A study of problems of families who have children with disabilities
EDX 6503 Teaching Students with Severe Disabilities.: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. A survey of operational models and techniques to be implemented with students who have severe disabilities to include curriculum, methods and administrative educational adjustments
EDX 6603 Students with Physical/Multiple Disabilities: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Educational implications and adaptations of procedures in schools, homes, hospitals and special schools for students with orthopedic and/or neurological impairments
EDX 6613 Teaching Students with Physical/Multiple Disabilities: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education). Three hours lecture. Methods and materials applicable to teaching students with physical or multiple conditions which are the results of neurological or orthopedic impairments
EDX 6623 Adaptations for Students with Physical/Multiple Disabilities.: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. The study of motor functions including range of motion, gait training, and other environmental adjustments that can be implemented by classroom teachers
EDX 6813 Introduction to Assessment Issues in Special Education: 3 hours.
Assessment as it relates specifically to working with special education students. Topics to be covered will include Special Education Law, IEP development, and related topics
EDX 6953 Introduction to Sign Language: 3 hours.
Development of basic sign language skills, study of special needs of deaf persons, and understanding use of interpreters. (Same as CO 4953/6953)
EDX 6990 Special Topics in Special Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
EDX 7000 Directed Individual Study in Special Education: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
EDX 8003 Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. The course will analyze research-based interventions for students in K-12 schools. Topics covered will include researched interventions for an academic, social emotional, and behavioral model
EDX 8013 Fundamentals of Teaching Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disorders: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Characteristics of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Theories, principles and methods for teaching individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
EDX 8023 Fundamentals of Teaching Individuals with Learning Disabilities: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Characteristics of students with learning disabilities. Theories, principles, and methods for teaching individuals with learning disabilities
EDX 8033 Supporting P12 Students with Disabilities in STEM Instruction: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Strategies for supporting P12 students with disabilities within the STEM classroom
EDX 8043 Evidence Based Practices of Struggling Learners: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Analysis of evidence-based practices for struggling learners in reading and math. The course will emphasize evidence-based practices for planning, collaboration, instruction, and assessment to ensure an appropriate education for students with disabilities
EDX 8053 Fundamentals of Teaching Individuals with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. The curriculum, methods, principles and problems of working with individuals with emotional disabilities
EDX 8063 Universal and Focused Behavioral Supports: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. The course will analyze evidence-based interventions for increasing ease and efficiency for providing systematic behavioral supports to all children
EDX 8073 Intensive Behavioral Interventions: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: EDX 8063). Three hours lecture. An analysis of data, systems, and practices necessary to provide high quality interventions to students who display chronic problem behavior
EDX 8083 Universal Design for Learning: 3 hours.
Three hour lecture. An introduction to designing instruction, learning environments, and assessment using principles of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework
EDX 8093 Special Education Project: 3 hours.
Three hours seminar. Guided seminar to develop applied projects that integrate comprehensive Special Education knowledge and instructional practice
EDX 8103 Advanced Contingency Management: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. This course is designed to utilize the principles and procedures of contingency management and applied behavioral analysis research to design, implement, and evaluate behaviorally oriented programs
EDX 8113 Special Education Law and Research: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Analysis of legislation, litigation, and administrative rulings related to special education. The course will emphasize the development of legally sound policies and procedures to ensure an appropriate education for students with disabilities
EDX 8123 Organization and Supervision of Special Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Organizational theory of special education. Leadership behavior and role of special education supervisor; grant writing
EDX 8133 Readings and Research in Exceptional Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Emphasis on current literature in all areas of exceptionality. Understanding and interpretation of psychological diagnosis. Individual and group research
EDX 8143 Early Education for Students with Disabilities: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Rationale, characteristics, educational approaches, exemplary programs, and research in the field
EDX 8163 Teaching Strategies for Students who are Gifted: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Consent of instructor). Teaching approaches, development of special problems, selection of materials, and remediation of problems related to learning
EDX 8173 Special Education in the Regular Classroom: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Provides a greater understanding of children with disabilities who may be in the regular classroom and suggests methods and techniques for teaching students with disabilities in the regular classroom
EDX 8183 Seminar in Learning Disabilities: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: EDX 3203 or equivalent). Three hours lecture. An advanced course dealing with the condition of learning disabilities. Current research dealing with causes, treatments, and prevention strategies will be studied
EDX 8213 Remediation of Students with Disabilities: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Field based. Selection, utilization, and evaluation of specialized remedial materials and techniques with special education populations
EDX 8233 Special Education Internship I: 3 hours.
Three hours clinical instruction. (Co-Requisite EDX 6173; prerequisites: Admission to MAT-X. EDX 8173, EDX 6813 and EDX 6193). First semester of directed teaching in a special education classroom
EDX 8243 Special Education Internship II: 3 hours.
Three hours clinical instruction. (Prerequisites: Admission to MAT-X degree program. EDX 8233). Second semester of directed teaching in a special education classroom
EDX 8263 Eligibility Requirements for Students with Disabilities: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. The course will analyze eligibility requirements to determining need for special education and appropriate services for students with disabilities. Topics to be covered will include Special Education law, comprehensive evaluations, and related topics
EDX 8303 Seminar in Intellectual Disabilities: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: EDX 8103). Three hours seminar. An advanced course dealing with intellectual disabilities. Educational implications and research involving people with intellectual disabilities
EDX 8343 Single Case Research Design in the Classroom: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: EDX 8493) Three hours lecture. Addresses concepts in measurement and design of single case methodology to establish reliable intervention procedures, positive behavior change, and systems support while adhering to management, supervision, ethical, and professional issues of behavioral intervention and research design
EDX 8393 Seminar in Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities: 3 hours.
Three hours seminar. A comprehensive study of contributing factors in emotional disabilities and educational technology for the treatment of students with emotional and behavioral disorders
EDX 8403 Teaching Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Field based. The curriculum, methods, and principles and problems of working with students with emotional and behavioral disabilities
EDX 8423 Special Education Internship II: 3 hours.
Three hours clinical instruction. (Prerequisites: Admission to MAT-X degree program. EDX 8233). Second semester of directed teaching in a special education classroom
EDX 8493 Action Research: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Graduate students in Special Education or instructor permission). Three hours lecture. This course provides an overview of action research conducted within educational settings. Emphasis is placed upon gaining understanding of research design, conducting a literature review, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data
EDX 8780 Internship in Special Education: 3-6 hours.
Three hours practicum. Supervised observation, participation, and teaching of exceptional children in classrooms and resource rooms. Supervised experiences in community, state departments, supervisory positions
EDX 8990 Special Topics in Special Education: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
EDX 9000 Research in Special Education: 1-13 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
EDX 9221 Professional Practice in Teacher Education: 1 hour.
One hour lecture. Students will examine potential careers for graduates with a doctorate in education and develop professional documents pertinent to their career paths. (Same as EDS 9221 and EDE 9221)
EDX 9413 Practicum in College Teaching in Special Education: 3 hours.
Three hours practicum.Supervised experience in design, delivery, and evaluation of a college course in special education
EDX 9553 Teaching and Teacher Education: 3 hours.
Analysis of current research on teacher education including pre-service teacher education and professional development for practicing teachers. (Same as EDS 9553 and EDE9553 )