2024-25 Academic Catalog

International Business Program

A Five-Year Double Degree Program:
B.B.A. in Business Administration & B.A. in Foreign Languages

International Business Director: Travis Wiseman, Ph.D., Associate Clinical Professor 
IB Business Advisor: Taylor Watson, Academic Coordinator
IB Language Advisor: Amie K. Russell, Instructor II & CMLL Undergraduate Coordinator

International Business 210 McCool Hall
Classical & Modern Languages and Literatures 1500 Lee Hall

The International Business Program at Mississippi State University is designed to help bright, ambitious students prepare for an increasingly global future. The program is distinct in discharging this mission through (1) education in the principles of international business, (2) a concentrated study in foreign language and, (3) a coordinated program of practical skills acquisition.

Graduates from the International Business program typically complete their studies in five years, receiving two degrees, each designed to cover a separate aspect of living and working internationally:

  • a Bachelor of Business Administration (or a Bachelor of Accountancy) with a major in a specific business discipline such as marketing, finance, management or accounting, and a concentration in international business.
  • a Bachelor of Arts with a major in foreign languages, and a concentration in Spanish, German, French, or Asian Studies.

The hallmark of the International Business program at MSU is its emphasis on real cross-cultural immersion, both academically and in a real-world business context. All IB students must study abroad for at least six continuous weeks in one location. This experience can be either for a summer or a regular semester term.

IB students must also complete an internationally-oriented internship in which they work for a company conducting significant international business. The minimum duration of the internship is ten weeks on the job. Ideally, the internship will be reflective of the student’s specific business discipline and language proficiency area, but will ultimately be dependent on the student’s own initiative, qualifications and interest.

Students may elect to combine the practical and abroad experiences by pursuing an internship outside the country. Such an internship must be 10 weeks in length.

In addition to the business and cultural immersion aspects, the program has four main academic components:

  1. a core of basic skills, including courses in writing, mathematics, sciences, and communication (30 SCH);
  2. a core of humanities and social science courses selected to fit the special needs of international business students, emphasizing both the history and culture of other societies and the ways these societies relate to our own (27 SCH);
  3. intensive training to develop proficiency in one foreign language and its associated cultures and literatures (35);
  4. a thorough grounding in business techniques and practices, including 33 SCH of general business courses and 21-24 SCH training in one of six disciplines in business (accounting, finance, information systems, economics, management, or marketing).

As a specialized, five-year program a minimum of 154 total credit hours are required.

Admissions to the International Business Program are limited and competitive. In addition to being accepted at Mississippi State University, applicants are evaluated on their academic qualifications by the International Business Academic Program Committee. Existing foreign language fluency is not required.

Students must meet all graduation requirements for the College of Business and the College of Arts & Sciences. International Business students must have an overall and previous semester GPA of 2.67 to be eligible for internship and study abroad.

General Education Requirements

English Composition
EN 1103English Composition I3
or EN 1104 Expanded English Composition I
EN 1113English Composition II3
or EN 1173 Accelerated Composition II
Fine Arts
Choose one the following:3
Architectural Appreciation
History of Architecture I
Art History I
Art History II
Art Appreciation
Italian Renaissance Art History
History and Appreciation of Music
Introduction to the Theatre
History and Appreciation of Dance
EN 2273World Literature Before 16003
or EN 2283 World Literature After 1600
HI 1173World History Since 15003
or HI 1223 Modern Western World
Social/Behavioral Sciences
GR 1123Introduction to World Geography3
AN 1143Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
Quantitative Reasoning
MA 1313College Algebra3
MA 1613Calculus for Business and Life Sciences I3
ST 2113Introduction to Statistics3
or BQA 2113 Business Statistical Methods I
Natural Sciences
Life Science and Lab (BIO prefix)3
Physical Science and Lab (CH, GG, OR PH prefix)4
College of Arts and Sciences Core
PHI 3013Business Ethics3
PS 1313Introduction to International Relations3
or PS 1513 Comparative Government
HI 3000+Upper-level History Elective (see advisor)
SO 3000+Upper-level Social Science Elective (see advisor)
Choose one of the following:3
French I
German I
Spanish I
Chinese I
Japanese I
Choose one of the following:3
French II
German II
Spanish II
Chinese II
Japanese II
Choose one of the following:3
French III
German III
Spanish III
Chinese III
Japanese III
Choose one of the following:3
French IV
German IV
Spanish IV
Chinese IV
Japanese IV
Choose one of the following:4
Advanced French Composition
Advanced German Composition
Advanced Spanish Composition
and Advanced Spanish Laboratory
Chinese V
Japanese V
Choose one of the following:4
Advanced French Conversation
Advanced German Conversation
Advanced Spanish Conversation
and Advanced Spanish Conversation Practicum
Chinese VI
Japanese VI
Choose one of the following:3
French Civilization
German Civilization
Hispanic Civilization
Survey of Chinese Culture
Survey of Japanese Culture
Choose one of the following:3
Business French I
Business German I
Economics of the Spanish-Speaking World
Any 3000+ level FL, FLC, or FLJ Asian Studies course
Business-related Language course3
See FL advisor for available courses
Literature course in target language3
See FL advisor for available courses
Foreign Language Elective
See FL advisor for options
College of Business Core
ACC 2013Principles of Financial Accounting3
ACC 2023Principles of Managerial Accounting3
BL 2413The Legal Environment of Business3
BIS 3233Management Information Systems3
EC 2113Principles of Macroeconomics3
EC 2123Principles of Microeconomics3
FIN 3123Financial Management3
MKT 3013Principles of Marketing3
MGT 31144
Oral Communication Requirement
CO 1003Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
or CO 1013 Introduction to Communication
Computer Literacy Requirement
BIS 1012Introduction to Business Information Systems2
Writing Requirement
MGT 3213Organizational Communications3
International Business Core
IB 1001Introduction to International Business1
IB 3900Internship Work1-6
IB 4903Internship Academic Report3
International Business Elective (see advisor)3
MGT 4863International Strategic Management3
Free Electives7
Major Courses21-24
Students must select 21 hours of upper level course work within a specific business discipline to complete the major. Accounting majors must complete 24 hours of upper level (3000+) course work for the Bachelor of Accountancy degree. Courses counting toward the required hours are provided below.
Total Hours154


ACC 3003Accounting Information Systems I3
ACC 3013Cost Accounting3
ACC 3023Intermediate Accounting I3
ACC 3033Intermediate Accounting II3
ACC 3053Accounting Information Systems II3
ACC 4013Income Tax I3
ACC 4033Auditing3
Accounting Elective (see advisor)3
3000-4000 level course

 Business Information Systems

BIS 1733Visual Basic Programming3
BIS 1753Introduction to Business COBOL3
BIS 3523Advanced Languages I3
BIS 3753Business Database Systems3
BIS 4753Structured Systems Analysis and Design3
BIS Electives 3000-4000 level courses6


EC 3113Intermediate Macroeconomics3
EC 3123Intermediate Microeconomics3
EC 4323International Economics3
EC 4643Introduction to Econometrics3
Economics Electives3000-4000 level courses9


FIN 3723Financial Markets and Institutions3
FIN 4223Intermediate Financial Management3
FIN 4243Senior Seminar in Financial Management3
FIN 4423Investments3
FIN 4923International Financial Management3
Finance Electives4000-level courses6


MGT 3323Entrepreneurship3
MGT 3513Introduction to Human Resource Management3
MGT 3813Organizational Behavior3
MGT 4153Management Seminar3
MGT 4613Cross-Cultural Management3
Management Electives3000-4000 level courses6


MKT 3933International Marketing3
MKT 4413Consumer Behavior3
MKT 4533Marketing Research3
MKT 4813Marketing Management3
Marketing Electives3000-4000-level courses 19



 See IB advisor for elective options, including a concentration in Supply Chain Management.

 Business Administration

MKT 3933International Marketing3
FIN 4923International Financial Management3
EC 4323International Economics3
MGT 4613Cross-Cultural Management3
BL 4273International Business Law3
International Business ElectivesSee advisor6


IB 1001 Introduction to International Business: 1 hour.

(Prerequisite:International Business major). One hour survey Introduction to International Business to prepare the entering class academically and professionally for successful performance

IB 2990 Special Topics in International Business: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

IB 3900 Internship Work: 1-6 hours.

(Prerequsite: approval of the Internatinal Business Director). Business topics examined by student during work semester. Student evaluations are assigned on satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis

IB 4000 Directed Individual Study in International Business: 1-6 hours.

Hours and credits to be arranged

IB 4103 International Business: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing in business or consent of instructor.) An overview of the major forms of international business: Exports and imports, overseas investments, production and marketing operations, licensing, financing and other international business services

IB 4903 Internship Academic Report: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Satisfactory performacne in IB 3900). Individual work experience under faculty guidance in business. Scholarly paper on approved topic required

IB 4990 Special Topics in International Business: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

IB 6103 International Business: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing in business or consent of instructor.) An overview of the major forms of international business: Exports and imports, overseas investments, production and marketing operations, licensing, financing and other international business services

IB 6990 Special Topics in International Business: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

IB 7000 Directed Individual Study in International Business: 1-6 hours.

Hours and credits to be arranged

IB 8990 Special Topics in International Business: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)