2024-25 Academic Catalog

Business Administration Major

The curriculum in Business Administration is designed for students who desire a general rather than a specialized program in business. BUAD advisors are located in the COB Academic Advising Center. Students are encouraged to make appointments with advisors, as they are not always available on a walk-in basis.

Business Administration majors must complete 12 hours from one major area and 6 hours from two additional major areas selected from the list below, for a total of 24 hours.

  • Accounting
  • Insurance
  • Marketing
  • Real Estate
  • Management
  • Economics
  • Information Systems
  • Finance
  • International Business
  • Legal Environ of Business
  • Supply Chain Logistics

General Education Requirements

English Composition
EN 1103English Composition I3-4
or EN 1104 Expanded English Composition I
EN 1113English Composition II3
or EN 1173 Accelerated Composition II
Fine Arts
See General Education courses3
See General Education courses6
Social/Behavioral Sciences
PS 1113American Government3
Choose from General Education courses excluding: AEC and EC3
Quantitative Reasoning
MA 1313College Algebra3
MA 1613Calculus for Business and Life Sciences I3
BQA 2113Business Statistical Methods I3
2 Lab Sciences from General Education courses6

Degree Requirements

College Core
ACC 2013Principles of Financial Accounting3
ACC 2023Principles of Managerial Accounting3
BIS 3233Management Information Systems3
BL 2413The Legal Environment of Business3
BQA 3123Business Statistical Methods II3
EC 2113Principles of Macroeconomics3
EC 2123Principles of Microeconomics3
FIN 3123Financial Management3
MGT 3113Principles of Management3
MKT 3013Principles of Marketing3
SCL 3323International Logistics3
BUS 4853Strategic Management3
Oral Communication Requirement
CO 1003Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
or CO 1013 Introduction to Communication
Computer Literacy Requirement
BIS 1012Introduction to Business Information Systems2-3
or TECH 1273 Computer Applications
Writing Requirement
MGT 3213Organizational Communications3
Major Core
International Elective (see advisor for options)3
Select three areas of concentration from the following prefixes: 1
1st Major Area (12 hours)
2nd Major Area (6 hours)
3rd Major Area (6 hours)
Free electives16
Total Hours 123

Courses must be 3000-level or higher

Business Administration Minor

A minor in Business Administration will help non-business students prepare for entrance into the world of business. Students will become familiar with basic concepts and techniques necessary for analyzing business environments, making sound business decisions and planning one's career. Academic advising is available in the Academic Advising Center, 106 McCool Hall.

A minimum of 21 hours must be taken to obtain a BUAD minor. A minimum of 12 hours must be taken at MSU to receive the BUAD minor. Note that some choices require others as prerequisites.

Choose seven of the following:21
The Legal Environment of Business
Principles of Financial Accounting
Principles of Managerial Accounting
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Financial Management
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Management
Management Information Systems
Business Statistical Methods I
Business Statistical Methods II
Production Management
Total Hours21

Entrepreneurship Minor

In partnership with the MSU Entrepreneurship Center, the College of Business offers a minor in Entrepreneurship to help students prepare for launching and growing new business ventures. This minor offers interdisciplinary coursework in management, marketing/branding, entrepreneurial finance, and the legal aspects of entrepreneurship. Each course in the minor goes beyond traditional business courses by focusing on entrepreneurial applications. The entrepreneurship minor is available to any MSU student, regardless of major. The minor in entrepreneurship is designed to complement the Engineering Entrepreneurship Certificate program by allowing engineering majors to benefit from more advanced coursework in entrepreneurship. Upon completion of the Engineering Entrepreneurship Certificate, a student will have the prerequisites for the Entrepreneurship minor.

The minor is comprised of 16 hours listed below:

MGT 3323Entrepreneurship3
MGT 3333Field Studies in Entrepreneurship3
BL 4243Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship3
FIN 4323Entrepreneurial Finance3
MKT 4423Strategic Brand Management3
GE 3011Engineering Entrepreneurship Seminar1

Students interested in the Entrepreneurship Minor should contact the MSU E-center in 101 McCool Hall.


BUS 1111 Freshman Business Plan: 1 hour.

One hour lecture. This course is designed to help entering freshman business majors succeed in their degree program and begin preparation for their business career after graduation

BUS 2990 Special Topics in Business: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

BUS 3011 Academic Peer Advising: 1 hour.

(Prerequisites: Junior standing and consent of instructor, for Business majors only). One hour lecture. Study of the role, benefits, objectives, and practice of academic peer advising

BUS 3021 Academic Peer Advising II: 1 hour.

(Prerequisites: BUS 3011 and consent of Instructor, for Business majors only). One hour lab. Laboratory application of academic peer advising

BUS 3031 Academic Peer Advising III: 1 hour.

(Prerequisites: BUS 3011, BUS 3021, and consent of Instructor ,for Business majors only). One hour lab. Laboratory application of academic peer advising

BUS 4000 Directed Individual Study in Business: 1-6 hours.

Hours and credits to be arranged

BUS 4203 Business Internship: 3 hours.

(Prerequisites:Approval of Associate Dean prior to internship). A minimum of ten weeks consisting of forty hours per week of business or public service experience

BUS 4853 Strategic Management: 3 hours.

(Prerequisite: Graduating senior and BIS 3233 and FIN 3123 and MGT 3113 and MKT 3013.) Three hours lecture. Administrative process under conditions of uncertainty in large, small, entrepreneurial, and family businesses. Emphasis in integrating knowledge acquired in the functional areas of business administration in formulating administrative policies

BUS 4990 Special Topics in Business: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

BUS 6990 Special Topics in Business: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

BUS 7000 Directed Individual Study in Business: 1-6 hours.

Hours and credits to be arranged

BUS 8990 Special Topics in Business: 1-9 hours.

Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)

BUS 9113 Preparing Future Business Faculty: 3 hours.

Three hours lecture. An examination of teaching, research, and service expectations for business academicians. Selected topics include institutional support, instructional technologies, journal submission, and job market