BCS 1001 First Year Seminar: 1 hour.
One hour lecture. First-year seminars explore a diverse array of topics that provide students with an opportunity to learn about a specific discipline from skilled faculty members
BCS 1013 Architecture Appreciation: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Illustrated study of architecture's role in shaping the quality of man's environment. Architectural history, design theory, and process as it affects daily life. Intended for non-majors. (Same as ARC 1013)
BCS 1116 Building Construction Studio A: 6 hours.
(Prerequisites: MA 1323 or ACT Math sub-score 24). Twelve hours laboratory. Introduction to construction materials and methods, construction drawing and modeling, building systems, project life cycles and management, and professional thinking and action
BCS 1126 Building Construction Studio B: 6 hours.
(Prerequisite:BCS 1116 ). Twelve hours laboratory. Development of building assemblies and construction sequencing, drawings and computer applications, project management skills, and professional thinking and action
BCS 2013 Construction and Culture: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. A study of the development construction throughout history. The purpose of this course is to broaden the students’ awareness of the global significance of construction
BCS 2116 Building Construction Studio 1: 6 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 1126). Twelve hours laboratory. In depth examination of building construction materials and methods, systems, construction drawing and details, and construction finishes
BCS 2226 Building Construction Studio 2: 6 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 2116). Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory. In-depth study of estimating, cost control, financial management, and equipment management in construction projects
BCS 2313 Virtual Design and Construction: 3 hours.
Prerequisites: BCS 1116). Three hours lecture. Use of digital tools to create virtual models of buildings for improving the construction process throughout the lifespan of the project
BCS 2713 Environmental Building Systems I: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Architecture majors-ARC 1546 and PH 1123; BCS majors-PH 1123; others-instructor consent). Three hours lecture. Investigation of the morphological impacts of various environmental energies on building forms/systems. Includes light, climatic, and ecological factors. Same as ARC 2713
BCS 3006 Construction Internship/Co-Op: 6 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 1126 and consent of instructor). Supervised professional work experience of 480 hours with a professional construction firm in which the student obtains on-the-job experience in aspects of construction management. This course can substitute BCS 2116 or BCS 3126
BCS 3116 Building Construction Studio 3: 6 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 2226). Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory. In-depth study of health and safety, project management, construction management, plant and equipment management, logistics and operations management, and building pathology
BCS 3126 Building Construction Studio 4: 6 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 3116). Twelve hours laboratory. In-depth evaluation of the principles and applications of construction productivity, estimating and bidding procedures, cost alternatives, scheduling, sequencing, budgeting and project cashflow management
BCS 3213 Mechanical and Electrical Systems: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 2713). Three hours lecture. A detailed examination of the design and construction of building electrical systems
BCS 3323 High Performance Construction: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 3116). Three hours lecture. Advanced building fabrication and construction systems are explored including high-performance construction materials such as fiber-reinforced cement, fiber-reinforced plastics, polymeric materials, geosynthetics, masonry materials and coatings
BCS 3413 Graphic Construction Communication: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Introduction to graphic communication used in the construction field and how to read construction documents
BCS 3423 Materials and Methods: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Introduction to construction materials and methods
BCS 3433 Introduction to Estimating: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: BCS 3413, BCS 3423). Three hours lecture. Introduction to quantity take-offs, pricing, estimating, and cost management in the construction discipline
BCS 3443 Construction Safety and Health: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. This course will present and discuss fundamental topics related to construction site safety including Introduction to OSHA, Personal Protective Equipment, Tools, Health Hazards in Construction, Construction Stairways and Ladders, Material Handling, Fall Protection, Cranes and Scaffolds, Excavation, Confined Space, and Fire Protection
BCS 3453 Construction Technology: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Use of a collection of innovative tools and software to improve the construction process throughout the lifespan of the project
BCS 3723 Environmental Building Systems II: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ARC majors-ARC 2546 and ARC 2713; BCS majors-BCS 2713 and BCS 2116; others-consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Concentrates on defining the mechanical and electrical (active) techniques available to architects for integrating thermal comfort and life safety into the built form. (Same as ARC 3723)
BCS 3904 Structures I: 4 hours.
(Prerequisite: MA 1613 and either ARC 1546 or BCS 1126). Three hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Application of the principles of statics and the strength of materials on structural elements. Construction material. (Same as ARC 3904)
BCS 3914 Structures II: 4 hours.
(Prerequisite: ARC 3904 or BCS 3904). Three hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Design and analysis of structural elements as part of frames and other structural systems. (Same as ARC 3914)
BCS 4000 Directed Individual Study in Building Construction Science: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
BCS 4116 Building Construction Studio 5: 6 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 3126). Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory. In-depth evaluation of the legal and contractual environment for construction activities/projects. Emphasis on specifications; dispute resolution; construction contracts and procurement systems; and project delivery modeling
BCS 4126 Building Construction Studio 6: 6 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 4116). Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory. In-depth study of project controls, risk management, strategic management, construction accounting, facilities and maintenance management, and international construction and contracting
BCS 4222 Professional Communication and Practice: 2 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 3126). Two hour lecture. Construction practice is reviewed in the broader context of ethics and the built environment. Emphasis on developing professional communication
BCS 4223 Professional Practice: 3 hours.
(Prerequisistes:BCS 3126) Three hours lecture. Construction ethics are reviewed in the broader context of architecture relative to social responsibility. Additional exploration includes professional ethics and emerging best practices
BCS 4413 Introduction to Construction Scheduling: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 3433). Three hours lecture. In-depth study of project time management, construction management, plant and equipment management, logistics and operations management, and scheduling tools and methods
BCS 4423 Building Utility Systems: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 3453). Three hours lecture. A detailed review of common utility systems in construction projects and examination of the design and construction processes of these systems along with their applicable standards and guidelines
BCS 4433 Building Structural Systems: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. The evaluation of structures, the properties of materials and the structural behavior of load-resisting members as it relates to buildings
BCS 4443 Project Management: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: BCS 3443). Three hours lecture. In-depth study of project management and its components, construction management, and various project management knowledge areas
BCS 4453 Construction Legalities: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. An introduction to the parties, procedures, and legal aspects of a construction project and dispute
BCS 4990 Special Topics in Building Construction Science: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
BCS 7000 Directed Individual Study in Building Construction Science: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged