FO 6113 Forest Resource Economics: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: AEC 2713 or equivalent). Three hours lecture. Basic principles of forest resource valuation; economics applied to production, conversion, marketing and consumption of forest products and benefits
FO 6123 Forest Ecology: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Natural principles governing establishment, development, and functioning of forest ecosystems. Includes ecology, genetics, physiology, tree growth, reproduction, site, stand dynamics, energetics, hydrology, nutrition, and succession
FO 6203 Computer Applications for Forest Resources II: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Basic principles of spreadsheet operations, worksheet management, formula integration, data analysis, and report building in forestry and natural resource management with emphasis on forest business applications
FO 6213 Forest Biometrics: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: ST 2113, FO 2213 or NREC 3213, or equivalent or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Applications of mensurational and statistical principles and techniques in determination of forest growth and yield. Advanced topics of forest resource inventory
FO 6221 Practice of Silviculture Laboratory: 1 hour.
(Prerequisite: FO 4123/6123 or WF 4223; co-requisite: FO 4223/6223). Four hours laboratory. Application of silvicultural practices and operations under given forest land management objectives
FO 6223 Practice of Silviculture: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: FO 4123/6123, FO 4121/6121 or WF 3133 and WF 4223; co-requisite: FO 4221/6221). Three hours lecture. Manipulation to obtain desired reproduction and to attain optimum development under given forest land management objectives
FO 6231 Introduction to Wood Supply Systems: 1 hour.
(Co-requisite: FO 3015). Investigative field and laboratory exercises used to gain practical knowledge into the structure and performance of wood supply systems
FO 6233 Forest Operations and Harvesting: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: FO 3015, FO 4231/6231, or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Study of practical, managerial, and logistic considerations associated with harvesting and other forest operations, as well as their social, environmental, and legal influences
FO 6253 Timber Procurement: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: FO 4231/6231, FO 4233/6233, or consent of instructor). Lectures and field exercises dealing with the problems of timber procurement to include planning for harvest, methods of handling and transport, legal and safety considerations
FO 6313 Spatial Technologies in Natural Resources Management: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: FO 3015 or GR 2313 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Three hours laboratory. Fundamentals of scale, area, height, and stand volume determinations from aerial imagery; planimetric and topographic mapping; image interpretation; GPS and GIS; applications to natural resources. (Same as NREC 4313)
FO 6323 Forest Resource Management: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: FO 4113/6113, FO 4223/6223, FO 4233/6233, FO 4231/6231, FO 4213/6213). Three hours lecture.Three hours laboratory Application of quantitative decision making techniques to to stand-level and forest -wide management problems. Topics include land classification, forest production, optimal rotation analysis, and harvest scheduling
FO 6343 Forest Administration and Organization: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Junior standing or instructor consent). Three hours lecture. Hierarchy and land structuring of forest organizations. Legal aspects of administering forest land holdings
FO 6353 Natural Resource Law: 3 hours.
(Perquisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. A comprehensive study of the laws relating to natural resources and forestry with emphasis on tort law, real property law, environmental law, taxation law and contract law. (Same as NREC 4353)
FO 6411 Remote Sensing Seminar: 1 hour.
(Prerequisites: Junior Standing). One hour lecture. Lectures by remote sensing experts from industry, academia, and governmental agencies on next-generation systems, applications, and economic and societal impact of remote sensing. May be repeated for credit up to four credits. (Same as PSS 4411/6411, ECE4411/6411, GR 4411/6411)
FO 6413 Natural Resources Policy: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Senior standing). Three hours lecture. Current topics relating to natural resources policy which affect management decisions and practices in the public and private sectors of natural resources use. (Same as NREC 4413)
FO 6423 Professional Practice: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: FO 4323/6323) Three hours lecture. Four hours laboratory. Forest resource data collection and analysis. Development of forest resource alternatives and recommendations for a specific forest property
FO 6443 International Forest Resources and Trade: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. A study of the world's wood consumption, marketing arrangements, community forestry, and forestry in economic development
FO 6453 Remote Sensing Applications: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: A basic image interpretation or mote sensing course or consent of instructor). Two hours lecture. Three hours laboratory. An introduction to remote sensing with emphasis on analysis and application of digital image data in inventory, monitoring, and management of renewable natural resources
FO 6463 Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: PSS 3303, FO 3012, FO 4123/6123, or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Synthesis of current information on the fundamental properties and processes of forest soils, hydrology, and water quality with emphasis on watershed and ecosystem management factors. (Same as NREC 4463)
FO 6473 GIS for Natural Resource Management: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Junior standing). Two hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Introduction to geographic information systems (GIS) with emphasis on collection, encoding, storage, retrieval, and analysis of spatial data for use in management of natural resources
FO 6483 Forest Soils: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: PSS 3303, FO 3012, FO 4123/6123, FO 4121/6121, or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Synthesize current information on fundamental properties and processes of forest soils with emphasis on applications to silviculture, soil conservation, and sustainable management of forested ecosystems
FO 6513 Forestry and Conservation for Educators: 3 hours.
(Two hours lecture; two hours lab). Importance of forestry and natural resources conservation, application of forestry and conservation principles and practices to educational settings. For non-forestry majors
FO 6573 Ecology of Managed Forests: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Graduate standing, upper-level FO undergraduate student, or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Examination of the ecological factors that influence silvicultural practice in North America. (Same as NREC 4573)
FO 6663 Consulting Forestry: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: FO major, senior or graduate standing and consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Review of business, legal, and economic issues integral to applying the science of forestry as a service based enterprise
FO 6683 Introduction to Urban and Community Forestry: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Addresses urban forest management issues and opportunities as well as educational extension/outreach program strategies within the urban forest context. (Same as NREC 4683)
FO 6990 Special Topics in Forestry: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
FO 7000 Directed Individual Study in Forestry: 1-6 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
FO 8000 Thesis Research/ Thesis in Forestry: 1-13 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
FO 8111 Graduate Seminar: 1 hour.
Credit in 2 semesters allowed. Review of and discussion of current forestry issues. Presentation of student reports
FO 8143 Advanced Forest Economics: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Application of current theory and techniques of economics to forestry. Emphasis is on the use of quantitative tools to improve decision-making in forest resource management
FO 8153 Quantitative Forest Ecology: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: MA 1723 and ST 8114 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Analytical models, fitting model coefficients to data, life tables, spatial patterns, interspecific competition, and species diversity
FO 8163 Nonmarket Forest Values: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: FO 4113 or equivalent or consent of instructor). The course will deal with the valuation or nonmarket, non-timber outputs or amenities derived from the forest
FO 8173 Advanced Spatial Technologies: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: an introductory course in remote sensing and/or geographical information systems or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Group discussion and application of integrated remote sending, image analysis and GIS software tools for assessment of natural resources
FO 8211 Graduate Seminar: 1 hour.
Credit in 2 semesters allowed. Review of and discussion of current forestry issues. Presentation of student reports
FO 8213 Advanced Silviculture: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: FO 4223 or consent of instructor). Three hours of lecture and/or field trips once per week. Spring semester. Silvicultural practices in context of the total ecological principles in decision making process. Emphasis on silviculture of bottomland hardwoods
FO 8233 Advanced Forest Inventory: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Design and analysis of forest resource inventories. Growth functions, yield tables, measures of site quality and stocking, and advanced sampling topics
FO 8243 Advanced Forest Resource Management and Planning: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: FO 8143). Three hours lecture. Emphasis is on the assessment of multiple-use alternatives. Data needs, resource trade-offs, and economic and policy implications are discussed
FO 8293 Professional Paper: 3 hours.
(For Master of Science non-thesis option students only). Demonstration of ability to compile, synthesize, and evaluate information, and to effectively communicate analyses and conclusions
FO 8300 Thesis Research/Thesis in Forestry - International: 1-13 hours.
Thesis research involving international travel. Hours and credits to be arranged
FO 8313 Spatial Statistics for Natural Resources: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite:ST 4313/6313, and an introductory GIS course, or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Concepts and methods of spatial statistics as applied to natural resource monitoring and management
FO 8323 Forest Ecophysiology: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Physiological processes occurring in forests at the leaf, tree, and ecosystem scale to determine the balance of energy, water, and carbon fluxes within the system
FO 8333 Silviculture for Multiple Ecosystem Services: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Overview of ecosystem services history and theory and how ecosystem services frameworks can be applied to guide silviculture and forest management
FO 8353 Ecological Modeling in Natural Resources: 3 hours.
(Prerequisites: ST 8114 or ST 8253 or equivalent).Three hours lecture.This course introduces the concepts and methods of ecological modeling as applied to natural resources monitoring and management
FO 8433 Ecological Silviculture: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Approach to silviculture that, sustains biological legacies, emulates developmental processes and emulates natural disturbances
FO 8443 International Forest Resources and Trade: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. A study of the world's wood consumption, marketing arrangements, dynamics of deforestation, agroforestry and community forestry, country specific forestry issues, and forestry in economic development
FO 8571 Emerging Issues in Forest Ecosystems: 1 hour.
(Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor). One hour seminar. Overview of the major biological, ecological, and socio-economic issues facing forest conservation
FO 8673 Planning and Evaluation in Natural Resources Outreach Education: 3 hours.
Three hours lecture. Presents methods for needs assessment of forestry extension/outreach education, development of programs to meet client needs, and evaluation of the effectiveness of such programs
FO 8961 Nobel Topics in Physiology/Medicine and Chemistry: 1 hour.
(Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor). One hour seminar. The course will provide historic and current understanding of topics awarded with a Nobel Prize.May be repeated three times for credit. (Same as CVM 8961 and GNS 8961)
FO 8973 Scientific Writing: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor) Three hours lecture. The course provides advanced training in research proposal, grant proposal,and manuscript writing. (Same as ADS 8973 and CVM 8973)
FO 8983 Advanced Biotechnology: 3 hours.
(Prerequisite:BCH 6603,BCH 6613,BCH 6713 or consent of instructor).Three house lecture. Advanced biotechnology course with an emphasis on environmental,biopharmaceutical,industrial, and medical technologies. (Same as CVM 8983)
FO 8990 Special Topics in Forestry: 1-9 hours.
Credit and title to be arranged. This course is to be used on a limited basis to offer developing subject matter areas not covered in existing courses. (Courses limited to two offerings under one title within two academic years)
FO 9000 Dissertation Research/Dissertation in Forestry: 1-13 hours.
Hours and credits to be arranged
FO 9300 Dissertation Research - International: 1-13 hours.
Dissertation research involving international travel. Hours and credits to be arranged