Degree Program Forms
Listed below are the degree program forms used by master's, educational specialist, and doctoral students. They, along with all other graduate student forms, are posted on the Graduate School website. Although the major professor and committee are integral to the process, the student is primarily responsible for the completion of the forms and their timely submission to the Graduate School. The student and the department must retain copies of all submitted forms.
Master's Degree Forms
Declaration of Examination/Defense
Graduate Committee Request (not required in some non-thesis master’s programs with no variation in program of study and/or with standardized examinations)
Educational Specialist Forms
Declaration of Examination/Defense
Doctoral Forms
Declaration of Examination/Defense
Attachment (for use in conjunction with CAPP Compliance to list courses taken previously that satisfy some doctoral degree requirements)
Other Forms, as Required (All Degrees)
Distance Student Certification of Off-Campus/Non-MSU Research Facility