2024-25 Academic Catalog

Office of the Graduate School

Peter L. Ryan, Dean of the Graduate School
W. Brien Henry, Associate Dean of the Graduate School

Office: 617 Allen Hall
Telephone: (662) 325-7400
P.O. Box G, Mississippi State, MS 39762-5507


The mission of the Graduate School is to provide graduate students advanced academic study beyond the baccalaureate; provide graduate students opportunities to develop methods of independent and systematic investigation; and provide graduate students and faculty with an environment conducive to learning and scholarly activities. In fulfilling this mission, the Graduate School promotes, enhances, develops, and monitors graduate education at Mississippi State University, providing students with efficient and courteous assistance in admission, enrollment, academic progress and graduation. The Graduate School is guided by the academic policies recommended by the Graduate Council, the chief oversight body for all graduate programs, and approved by the Provost. For additional information about graduate education at Mississippi State University or the Graduate School, please visit http://www.grad.msstate.edu/.

Graduate Courses

Graduate courses are assigned numbers at the 6000-, 7000-, 8000-, and 9000-level.

Graduate Catalog

Published annually, the catalog contains a complete list of advanced degrees offered at Mississippi State and the requirements of each, as well as academic policy and procedures administered by the Office of the Graduate School. The catalog is available online by visiting http://catalog.msstate.edu/graduate.