2022-23 Academic Catalog

Office of Technology Management

This is an archived copy of the 2022-23 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.msstate.edu.

As a land-grant university, research is core to Mississippi State University's mission. The University is classified as a "RU/VH: Research Universities (very high research activity)", the highest research classification, in the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. The University is also considered a "Top 100" public research institution, according to the most recent data from the National Science Foundation. Research being a fundamental part of the University's culture significantly contributes to many graduate students' success. Please refer to the website of the University's Office of Research and Economic Development for detailed information about the following aspects of research at the University.

As part of the University's strategic plan, State of Excellence: 2012-1017, research priority areas have been identified for the University. These priorities are used in directing future investments such as new faculty hires, infrastructure development, and resource allocation. They are not to the exclusion of other important academic, research and service areas on our campus. They are broadly defined intentionally, and each should be viewed across many colleges and disciplines, with both basic and applied research. The University strives for an interdisciplinary approach to these research areas and includes research in its broad definition, to include all forms of scholarship and creative endeavors. For more detailed information about each of these research areas, please refer to the Research Focus Areas section of the University strategic plan or the website of the University's Office of Research and Economic Development .

Environment and Energy

  • Water
  • Food and Fiber Production and Safety
  • Energy and Sustainability
  • Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability

Health and Education

  • Health and Education Disparity

Knowledge Management Systems

  • Data to Decisions
  • Homeland Security
  • Public Policy

Mobility Systems and Materials

  • Mobility Systems
  • Material Sciences and Engineering

International Development