2022-23 Academic Catalog

Office of Academic Affairs

This is an archived copy of the 2022-23 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.msstate.edu.

3501 Lee Hall
P.O. Box BQ
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Four academic programs are housed in the Office of Academic Affairs:

  • Geospatial and Remote Sensing Minor on the Starkville Campus
  • Master's Program in Physician Assistant Studies on the Meridian Campus
  • Computational Biology
  • Data Science

Complete information on both programs is found in this section of the Graduate Catalog.

Department Degree and Major Concentration Thesis Non-Thesis Starkville Meridian Distance
Academic Affairs Minor in Remote Sensing X
Academic Affairs Master of Physician Assistant Studies X X
Academic Affairs Master of Science - Computational Biology X X X
Academic Affairs Master of Science - Data Science X X X

Master of Science in Data Science

The interdisciplinary Master of Science in Data Science degree program will provide students with a broad training in managing, processing, and extracting value from a giant and diverse data sets and allow them to communicate their findings. The program will prepare students for professional employment in industry, government, and NGOs and at the same time obtain sufficient skills to continue into more advanced degree programs. Admission to the Master's program in Data Science is open to graduates from all disciplines with a strong quantitative background and computational skills. The program of study is a blend of statistical and optimization methodology laced with data management and computational skills, and it provides graduate students with the opportunity to participate in data analytics projects. For more information, please contact either Dr. Rahimi (rahimi@cse.msstate.edu) or Dr. Razzaghi (razzaghi@math.msstate.edu).

CSE 8423Data Science Concepts and Practice3
ST 8123Statistical Thinking: Probability Models and Theory of Statistics3
ST 8133Statistical Modeling3
CSE 6503Database Management Systems3
CSE 8080Directed Project in Computer Science1-3
General Electives
Students will complete 15 hours in approved Data Science electives. Up to 6 hours Directed Individual Studies may count towards the degree.15
Total Hours30

Geospatial and Remote Sensing Minor

Director: Dr. John Rodgers
Department of Geosciences
355 Lee Blvd, 108 Hilbun Hall
Mississippi State University, MS 39762
Telephone: 662-325-3915
E-mail: jcr100@msstate.edu
Mailstop: 9537

The Geospatial and Remote Sensing (GRS) minor is a cross-disciplinary program that allows students from any major to develop and enhance their geospatial skills.  Students will learn important theoretical concepts associated with geographic information systems and remote sensing sciences, and they will acquire the ability to use these methods to solve spatial problems.  Graduate students must complete a minimum of 12 hours of GRS coursework at Mississippi State University with a grade of C or higher from a list of approved courses.  A 3.00 GPA is required.  An MSU Graduate Faculty member with geospatial expertise must serve as minor professor on the student’s graduate committee.

A student who chooses this minor must have the approval of his or her graduate committee and graduate coordinator in the major field.  The minor coursework is then included on the student's program of study and is approved by the minor graduate coordinator.

GIS requirement: Choose one of the following.3
FO 6471
FO 6472
Principles of GIS
Application of Spatial Technologies to Wildlife and Fisheries Management
Remote Sensing: Choose one of the following.3
Remote Sensing Applications
Remote Sensing of the Physical Environment
Introduction to Remote Sensing Technologies
Introduction to Remote Sensing Technologies
Advanced Geospatial Coursework: Choose one of the following.3
Spatial Technologies in Natural Resources Management
Spatial Statistics for Natural Resources
Ecological Modeling in Natural Resources
Advanced Spatial Technologies
Advanced GIS
Advanced Remote Sensing in Geosciences
Advanced Geodatabase Systems
Geospatial Applications : Choose one of the following. Courses must be different from the ones taken from the above categories. A course may not be used to satisfy more than one requirement.3
Digital Signal Processing
Current Topics in Remote Sensing
Digital Image Processing
Cartographic Sciences
Geodatabase Design
Geographic Information Systems Programming
Remote Sensing Seminar
Remote Sensing Seminar
Geospatial Agronomic Management
The following courses listed in the categories above can also meet this requirement if not used in another category.
FO 8173 Advanced Spatial Technologies
FO 8313 Spatial Statistics for Natural Resources
FO 8353 Ecological Modeling in Natural Resources
GR 6313 Advanced GIS
GR 6343 Advanced Remote Sensing
ST 4313 Spatial Statistics
Total Hours12